chapter 11 🧙🏻‍♀️🧹🪄

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" little witch, go and bathe. I warmed the water in the tub," Taehyung said, entering his bedroom, which was actually Jungkook's claimed bedroom. Jungkook was lying on the bed, humming a melody and lost in thought.
He was brought back from his thoughts by the alpha's deep, velvety voice. If he were not a wolf, Jungkook was sure he would have been a tiger with such a deep voice. Jungkook looked at Taehyung standing in the threshold of the room.

"So nice of you, hyungie, but I don't like showering," Jungkook said, looking back at the wooden ceiling.

"Jungkook, go and wash. You must be dirty from all this expedition of yours," Taehyung reasoned, but to no avail; the baby witch was not in for it today.

"I hate bathing. I will not bathe meanie, and I am clean , the cleanest," Jungkook shouted at Taehyung. He really wanted to sleep, but Taehyung had to ruin it.

"Well, you left me with no choice then," Taehyung said, stepping towards Jungkook and instantly, with a jerk, took him in his arms by placing one hand on his back and the other under his knees, and started moving towards another room, probably the bathroom.

"Big bad. I don't want to bath. Put me down. Put me down," Jungkook started thrashing his legs, but the alpha was too strong for him.

"Pigi, I said put me down," Jungkook shouted in Taehyung's ear, who loosened his arms, making Jungkook almost fall down. Jungkook tightened his arms around the neck of the alpha.

"Meanie, how mean can you be? Don't let me go, please," Jungkook exclaimed in fear.

"The magic word," Taehyung said in monotone.

"Hyungie, my lovely hyungie, please don't throw me," Jungkook exclaimed, to which Taehyung again placed his hands where they belonged. He then put Jungkook in the hot water, who was fuming with anger; he hated baths.

"The robe is placed here; wear this after bathing," Taehyung pointed to the robe and went out.

Jungkook bathed, now feeling great. It's always like this; he never wants to bath, but after it, he feels so good.

He danced his fingers in the air; Jipang was summoned, who gladly came, crossing the closed door as if it never existed. Jungkook took Jipang in his hands and then pointed it towards the robe. The robe stood tall. Jungkook stood up out of the wooden tub and then again pointed Jipang at the robe. Sky blue shimmers spread in the bathroom, and the witch was donned with the new white robe, totally different from his black robe.

Jungkook went to the bedroom . The alpha was waiting for him, sitting on his bed.

"Meanie, stand up from my bed," Jungkook said, frowning.

Taehyung chuckled, "Nobody is taking your bed; I am just sitting temporarily. Who wants to sit on this aged bed? I will make another bed, the bigger one for me," he said proudly. The witch scoffed, afraid that the alpha's bed would be better than his.

"And your hair is wet, dry them; otherwise-" Taehyung was cut off mid-sentence by the witch.

"Ya ya, I know. Otherwise, you will not take care of me if I get sick, right ?," Jungkook rolled his eyes at the alpha and stood in front of the wooden window. He opened it, seeing nothing but darkness; the light from the cottage was illuminating the snowy ground near it.

He snapped his fingers in the air, and suddenly a gush of wind came towards him. Jungkook smirked; he was one of the very good students of the coven in magic. He might be just a baby witch, but he has mastered most of the magics.

Then again he snapped his fingers, and then the air became a little warmer; his hair danced in the air, and soon they were dry.

Taehyung watched all of this with an open mouth; he had no idea that his baby mate was so good with magic. He might be bratty, but he is very serious about magic.

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