thirty - one

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Roman's POV:

3 years later

She works here. She has to, this is the only lead I have and if she's not here I don't know what I'd do. I'm standing outside of a diner called Linda's Diner.

It's like the ones you see in old movies. I walk in with my hands in my trench coat pockets. I let the bell above my head ring. "Take a seat honey, someone will be with you in a moment", A southern lady said.

I took a seat in a booth and waited. I was thinking about what I said to Isaac before I came here, about being frightened to see her. I feel I will be just fine.

I didn't open the menu, all I want is coffee. I looked around hoping she'd be here and it felt like somebody just ripped into my chest, pulled my heart out and stepped on it.

She was gorgeous. Her hair was a darker brown, longer, pulled into a ponytail with many little strands falling out. She wore jeans and a rockstar shirt but had an apron on. I also noticed a tattoo on her forearm, it looked small from where I was.

She looked tired but still beautiful.

I thought she was coming to me which made me even more terrified but she was walking over to a man who was looking at the menu. I only saw the back of his head.

She smiled cheeky when she approached him. I was also too far to hear their conversation, but she was laughing. He was making her laugh, what could be funny?

She leaned down to kiss his cheek and he brought his hand down to squeeze her ass. Right there. I almost took out my gun and shot him in the back of the head.

She walked away smiling and writing on a small notebook. When she looked up at me she stopped in the middle of the diner. It looked as if she stopped breathing, to be honest so had I.

It's like I'm reliving everything we ever did together. Every conversation, every cry, every happy moment. Everything. I watched her swallow and she walked slowly over to me.

"Hi", I said. She looked scared. "Hey", she said. She stood there for a moment not making eye contact before she clicked her pen. "Do you want anything?" She asked, staring at the notebook. "Coffee", I say. "Black", we both said but I think hers was meant to be a question.

"Anything else?" I leaned back to look behind at the man she was just with. "Who is that?" I asked. She closed the book and sighed. "Mr. Cruz, he's a regular, he shows a lot of affection but doesn't mean anything more than something friendly. Besides he's old and a sweet man, I just let him", she answered.

I managed to laugh.

I wanted to ask if I was good to her, if she thought I was good for her. "What are you doing here Roman?" She asks. Before I could answer, the Southern women shouted. "Naomi, your order!" Was she talking to Elise?

"Coming!" She answered. I looked at her confused and questioned her. "Naomi?" It looked as if she wanted to laugh but she didn't. "I'll get your coffee", she says before leaving.

I watched her walk off and also noticed yet another tattoo. It was above her ass and it was non English writing with Roman Numerals after it.

Let's hope I'm not reading too much into it but it feels like it's got something to do with me. She gave a family their dinner and before she could come to me the little boy stopped her.

"Hi", his little voice spoke. "Hi", she smiled at him and it was so genuine. "Can I have m-more cr-rayons?" He stutters. "For your coloring sheet, of course", she says.

The kid smiles and wiggles in his seat. "Thank you", his mother said. "No problem."

Elise got to me and poured my coffee. "Anything else?" She asked. "How are you?" I say instead. She sets down the coffee pot and places a hand on her hip in attitude.

"Why are you here? Why are you asking that?" She scoffs. She seems different. Tougher, more attitude.

"I want to know how your life is, if you're happy", I say to her. She bites in her bottom lip and shakes her head.

"I'm fine. I'm happy." When she said it was so harsh. I knew she was lying. "Lair" I say. She grins and pours more coffee. "I'm actually not lying"

"Naomi! Your shift was over fifteen minutes ago", the woman named Linda said.

I checked my watch and it was almost midnight. Elise turned to walk away, she made it halfway and stopped. "Goodbye Roman"

I wanted to say goodbye, but I'm going to follow her. I took a sip of the coffee and left a hundred dollar bill on the table.

Leaving the diner I walked over the parking lot to my car and sat there until I saw her leave. It was maybe ten minutes before she came out.

She got in her car and I followed. Not too close but close enough that I wouldn't lose her. She was driving all the way into the city.

Soon we reached this apartment, I'm assuming it's her's. I parked across the street and got out. She gathered her stuff and walked into the building.

Her walk seemed different too.

I jogged across the street and I went up after her. I watched her turn the corner and once I turned I was chopped in the nose.

I hunched over from also being punched in the gut. My head was lifted as well as my arm being twisted behind my back.

The fuck.

"What are you doing?" Elise questions while having one grip on the back out my head and the other on my arm. Pinning me to the wall.

"Me? What are you doing", I shot back. She lets go and I wind up my arm trying to ease the tension.

That shit actually hurt.

She's got this bored kind of expression and just stares at me. I couldn't help but scan her body. She wore boots and her jeans were tight showing the curves of her legs and her thighs were the most noticeable.

A sliver of her stomach was exposed and her shirt had Purple Rain across it. Her skin was also a bit darker. Tanned. Her eyes were more noticeable by the black eyeliner and mascara.

"You look good", I say. Her eyes look me over also but she doesn't say anything. She digs in her jean pocket and pulls out keys.

"Why are you following me", she asks. I follow as she  stuck her key in the apartment door.

"I've been looking for you for three years, I obviously had to follow you", I answered. "Three years should be a hint that I don't want to be found", She said harshly.

"Wow you're really different", I sigh. She groans and turns to me. "I grew up. I realized that the real world isn't all cupcakes and rainbows and instead of sitting at home crying about it like a bitch, I made something else of it", she fired.

Her tone made me feel personally attacked. But glad she finally realized that the world we live in is harsh. "Go home Roman", she pleaded. I stood my ground and stayed. I wasn't gonna lose her again. I refuse to.

"Please, I don't want you here." she stated. I take a glance at her apartment number and back off. I'll be back tomorrow.


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