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"Ara seems cool," Hoseok shrugged and Jin kicked him in his leg, it was a perfect idea sitting across from him, "Ow," Hoseok whimpered as he held his leg and Jin just smiled while drinking some water with his straw, "Are you okay?" Jungkook laughed as he sat next to Taehyung.

"I guess so," Jimin giggled to himself, and Taehyung felt his phone buzz.

[Message from Mom]

[6:45] Hey when you get a chance you need to make a list tomorrow about everything you need for the baby.

Taehyung put his fry down and groaned. Right, he forgot for a split second he was pregnant. It was an amazing split second that he was gone from reality. It was almost like his life was normal.

After the group was done eating Jungkook drove them to Taehyungs house, parking the car in the driveway. They walked in the house and upstairs to Taehyungs room.

"Do you need help cleaning?" The boy offered and Taehyung shook his head, he swept all the clothes on his bed to the ground and collapsed in the bed.

His body was aching due to the busy day he had. He expirience too many laughs, too many cried, too many emotions.

"So are you gonna tell me what you were crying about?" Jungkook hummed and Taehyung shifted his head the look at the boy flexing his muscles in the mirror.

"It was really just hormones, I don't even remember anymore if I'm being honest,"

"Oh, well, you can always talk to me if you need to," Jungkook reminded as he took off his jersey and placed his hoodie on his body, "I know, I am doing fine, I'm just tired, that's all,"

Jungkook sat the hoodie on the night stand and opened the window that looked outside towards the street.

"Is being pregnant hard?" Jungkook questioned and Taehyung got under his covers and laughed, "Why are you thinking about getting pregnant too?"

"Absolutely not, I'm just wondering, like don't it feel weird?" Jungkook questioned, while turning around to look at the boy who laid in bed, "I mean it does feel weird but not too weird, I don't know how to explain it,"

Jungkook nodded, understanding that it was hard for Taehyung to put his feelings into words. "Well, if you ever figure out how to explain it, let me know," he said with a small smile.

Taehyung chuckled, appreciating Jungkook's attempt to lighten the mood. "Sure, Jungkook. I'll make sure you're the first to know."

As the night grew darker, the room filled with a comfortable silence. Both of them lost in their own thoughts, yet feeling a sense of companionship in each other's presence. It was a moment of quiet understanding, a testament to their friendship that had stood the test of time and was now facing a new challenge.

The two spent the night talking about each other's life and how much it is beginning to change. With every minute passing the two weren't toning down their conversation.

"And Jimin is picking up the cake and it is so cute!" Taehyung beamed as he was showing Jungkook the baby shower planner, "Well I'm glad that you are happy with how it is turning out,"

"Do you not like it? Oh no," Taehyung's face faded to a worried expression and Jungkook shushed him, "I love it, it's more of your thing, but I'm glad you are having a good time planning everything, I don't know if I could do half the things you are doing,"

"Kook, don't worry, you are doing great so far,"

"Tae," Jungkook began a sigh coming from his mouth, "Do you feel like you are alone in this?"

Taehyung sighed and set the planner back on the desk and walked towards Jungkook, "There has to be boundaries take it we aren't actually together, you are doing your best and I appreciate it," Taehyung reassured.

"Yea, but I still wanna be there for you during this and I wanna be there for our baby," Jungkook looked up at the boy who gave a soft smile.

"You already are,"

"Not enough I feel,"

"Can you stop, you are doing amazing under the circumstances," it was Jungkook looking softly in Taehyungs eyes that made the boy want to melt into his biceps.

"If I can do anything- and I mean anything to help please let me know, I don't want you to ever feel like you are alone in this," Jungkook sighed and reached to grab Taehyung's hand.

Taehyung's cheeks flushed red. Everything in him was resisting the temptation to just blurt out his feelings and kiss the latter.

Taehyung squeezed Jungkooks hand and nodded.

"You know I will," Jungkook nodded in response and Taehyung pushed him over to the other side and laid on the bed as well, "are you tired?" Jungkook questioned, the boy wasn't tired.

He was exauhsted. From crying to throwing up to being in his bed with the father of his kid was just making his whole body ache.

"I am really tired, I'm probably going to go to bed,"

Jungkook hummed, "Goodnight," Taehyung got under the covers and turned over, away from Jungkook.

The indent in the bed being a reminder that Jungkook was so close, yet so far.

Jungkook let out a quiet breath before turning the lamp off over on the side of the nightstand. The moon's glowing light was now emitting a soft white tone that shined in the room.

Taehyung felt the covers move, Jungkook sliding his feet under. The indent on the bed grew longer as Jungkook softly laid his head on the pillow.

The boy looked up at ceiling. His mind wondering how he could be a good companion. A good supporter. His challenge lasted a few weeks. Taehyungs challenge has to last for five more months.

Jungkook turned around to face the boys back. He hesitantly reached around Taehyungs waist the bump of the boys stomach curved around his hand.

Taehyung tensed up as Jungkook wrapped his arm around him. He didn't know how to react. He liked Jungkook, but he didn't know if Jungkook liked him back.

He wondered if Jungkook was doing this just to be nice, or if there was something more to it. He tried to act like it didn't phase him. But I'm reality his cheeks grew hot.

Jungkook scooted closer to him and raised his head to whisper in Taehyungs ear.

"I told you I would do anything, goodnight Tae, sleep good,"

The Jeon Family- Taekook AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن