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Taehyung woke up. His thoughts were all over the place and Jungkook's words were running through his head.

"If I can do anything- and I mean anything to help please let me know, I don't want you to ever feel like you are alone in this,"

Taehyung thought he was dreaming when he felt Jungkook's hand creep around him. His bicep gently laid on his side.

And Taehyung surely thought he was. Especially when he didn't feel the presence next to him. The boy sat up and looked around the room. The once dirty room was now clean. He checked his phone and saw a message from Jungkook.

[Message from Jungkook]

[6:15] Hey sorry I had to leave, I realized I forgot clothes for school. have a good morning :)

Taehyung sighed and tried catching his balance as he got out of bed. His vision was still foggy, and the sunrise was very faint.

The boy did his normal routine of mumbling to himself and cursing the fact he had to wake up and go to school. He gazed in the mirror and looked at his stomach.

Analyzing the arch and how it continues to grow. His mind realizing he can't escape the fate of everything. That his life was soon going to be filled with loud cries and non stop noise.

He needs to bask in the silence that won't be around him from much longer. Taehyung turned the shower handle to warm and waited for the shower to grow warmer.

As he sat aside he began to feel the same funny feeling in his stomach. He had to throw up again. It wasn't scary anymore, he was just tired of feeling to gross. No matter how well he cleaned himself in the shower he still felt like he was the most disgusting person on the planet.

As he got out of the shower, he began to sort through his clothes. He really needs to go shopping. He settled on a hoodie and sweatpants that he stole from his ex.

The clothes didn't do anything to him. So it really doesn't matter. As he grabbed his backpack and walked out of his room he saw the guest room door open.

The guest room that was now named the nursery. Taehyung walked in and he looked at the empty room. The empty room that as of yesterday was totally a complete mess. He seen a note on the wall with tape.

Decided to help you finish this :) make sure you get lots of rest and we will pick out the furniture some other time -Jungkookie

Taehyung smiled softly and grabbed the note. Sticking it in his pocket and walking out of the room. A smile that wasn't hidden at all.

On the other side of town Jungkook brushed through his raven hair. Admiring himself in the mirror and flexing his muscles in the mirror. His blank tank top made his golden glazed skin stand out.

Jungkook smiled and checked his teeth that were glistening with white. His phone buzzed and he looked down at it with confusion.

[message from unknown]

[7:15] Hey Kook, wanna meet up @ 5 and play some basketball

[7:15] yea if I knew who you were

[7:16] oh shoot it's Ara

Jungkook wondered how the girl got his number then remembered before he went to the bathroom she got the number from him yesterday.

He really couldn't afford to be there for long, especially with the baby shower coming up in two days and Taehyung being a little stressed out.

[message from Jungkook]

[7:17] Yea but it can't be for long I gotta help Taehyung with the baby shower, it is coming up soon if you wanna come?

Ara looked at the phone as she laid in bed. Her room was shining bright with the natural sun light. She sighed and threw her phone down. As she looked up at the ceiling her thoughts were running wild.

Ara was homeschooled. Her parents too invested in their work to even realize she is a person let alone their own child.

[Message from Mr. Jeon]

[7:30] How is the plan going?

She groaned and grabbed the phone that buzzed. As she held the phone in her hand she was torn. She really likes Jungkook, but as a friend. Nothing more, so getting close to the boy like that was going to be a huge problem.

[7:35] It is going okay I guess

She held the phone in her hand while biting her lip. In all honesty she hates doing this. His plan to pull Jungkook away from Taehyung was just utterly disgusting.

But she has to do it. Her parents jobs were on the line and it wouldn't be good to interfere.

The Jeon Family- Taekook AUWhere stories live. Discover now