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Jungkook turned his head towards the voice that spoke. His mouth trying to form words, make excuses. Taehyung was right.

"Tae, I am really sorry about that night, I didn't think we would have a constant reminder of it, it happened and it was stupid, I wish I could take it back,"

"I wish I could take it back"

Those words echoed in Taehyungs head over and over. He began to realize, maybe it might be the hormones talking, but his own best friend used him.

That feeling is worse than having your heart broken by someone who was your partner.

"So you regret it?" Taehyung choked back tears, not daring to face the stare, "Don't answer that," Jimin mouth secretly and Jungkook sighed.

Jungkook could not form words. Everytime he opened his mouth to speak he thought it would sound wrong.

"I gotta go finish my workout, I'll be at your house a little later, we can watch movies, eat some snacks," Jungkook sighed as he smiled as best he could.

"You don't have to do that, you might regret it," Taehyung opened the back door of the car and got in, "See you later," Jin rolled the window up while looking down.

Jimin pulled Jungkook by the arm, away from the car, "Are you stupid? Why would you say that," Jimin lectured and Jungkook threw his head back.

"What else would I say to that? No I didn't soberly decide I wanted to have sex with my best friend and be in this position," Jungkook yelled back, "You are about to have a child by Kim Taehyung, someone who is so kind and generous, also very attractive, why can't you just try and be something with him?"

"You are asking me to try and date bear?" Jungkook laughed in shock and Jimin raised an eyebrow and looked away.

"You never know anything until you try it, I've been pushing it for years, now it is not just something that should be an idea, it is something that should be real, he needs more than a friend, he needs more than just someone to call and talk to..." Jimin trailed off, his arms crossing over each other.

"I can't do that, I have too much going on and it is already too much, besides Do-Yeon could be good for him, I looked him up on instagram and he seems sweet,"

"Do you know how hard I tried for Taehyung to even text him? I took his phone, Do-Yeon is a friend to Taehyung and all he will ever be, Tae has your kid in his stomach, don't you think you are all he wants?"

"No I don't think that at all, actually,"

"Then you are really stupid," Jimin shook his head, backing away and walking back to the car.

Leaving a really confused Jungkook.  A really deep in thought Jungkook.

Somehow the boy couldn't shake the thought as he worked out. The boys smile in his head, his voice, his laugh, his pretty features. Everything is running in his mind, his eyes occasionally drifting over to the ultrasound picture.

When Taehyung got home he threw his backpack on his floor and sat on his bed, "Do you need anything?" Jin questioned, the latter shook his head and looked at the floor.

"Hey, don't let Jungkook get in your head, he isn't as mature as you, in the end you deserve the world, he won't be able to give it to you," Jimin stated, his hands being placed on Taehyungs knees.

"Chim, I promise I'm fine, I'm probably going to lay down and watch a show, maybe do some homework, Don't worry about me, you guys are the best and all I could want," Taehyung reassured as he glanced up.

His facade being shown through but the two boys decided to leave it alone, "If you need anything don't hesitate to call or text," Jin replied, hugging the slouched boy.

"I know," Taehyung laughed, Jimin embracing the boy after.

The two left with a wave and Taehyung laid down in his bed. As he stared at the ceiling he couldn't help but feel his heart break. Piece by piece that shattered he felt tears fall down his cheeks.

He was miserable. All he wanted was someone who would drop what they are doing when he needed them. Someone to hug and kiss him and tell him that the future is going to be okay.

Instead he was alone, chilled by the cold air. His baby boy kicking his stomach, making him realize he will never be alone anymore.

With every passing minute he tried doing something to get his mind off of everything. He tried cleaning, watching a show, eating, nothing was working.

[message from Do-Yeonnie]

[6:45] hey just checking in, how are you doing?

Taehyung looked at his phone, hovering his fingers over the keyboard but having no energy to respond.

The doorbell echoed through the house. Taehyungs eyebrow's furrowed as he walked to the white door. His hands turning the hood doorknob.

There stood the man he had just cried about. Holding flowers and a shy smile placed over his lips.

"What movie do you wanna watch,"

The Jeon Family- Taekook AUWhere stories live. Discover now