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Why did Jungkook decide to make a move on Taehyung? Why was everything so blurry for Jungkook? Why was he so enticed in the kiss that he felt as if the world had stopped?

Questions began flooding the two's heads. These questions can not truly have a right or wrong answer. 

Jungkook was taken aback by his and Jimin's conversation. It was a surprise to hear everything that Jimin had told him. He did not know how to handle it at the moment. When he went back to his workout the words and sentences would not leave his mind. 

'don't you think you are all he wants?' 

Jungkook could not believe anything. His mind was working hard to process as much information as he could. 

The raven-haired vowed to himself that he would forget that night. Erase it from his memory completely. Clearly when he heard the life-changing news he was shocked. How could he forget about it now? 

With basketball, a baby on the way, and his confused feelings for Ara, he didn't know if he could handle all of this now.

Taehyung had always been there for him. For his highs and his lows. When his ex-girlfriend ditched him the night before prom, Taehyung stayed home with the boy and watched movies. It was something that had stuck with the boy for so long. That was when he knew he had a loyal best friend.

Never did he view Taehyung in a romantic light. Sure, he had always thought the boy was attractive, drunk actions are sober thoughts. He did not think anything would escalate as far as it did. 

It has always been Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook. One without the other doesn't make sense. However, when Jungkook came into the picture, Jimin was still there. Jimin will never leave Taehyung's side and neither will Jin. 

Jimin knows the latter the best, so hearing the words Jungkook heard come out of Jimin's mouth was surprising. Jungkook knew it was the truth. 

As he extended his arms with weights placed in his hands he knew he had to make things right with Taehyung. He didn't fully know how to do it. He did not fully know what would happen. 

Now, they sit in a room that reminds them of their younger days. When all they had to worry about was homework. A time when they both supported each other, a time when they did not have to worry about such adult things. 

Nothing much has changed. 

Except for the fact that now, their lips are colliding with each other with tension in the air. Taehyung was caught very off guard. His mind wandered places. Places that are the opposite of what he thought would be in his mind. 

'He just feels bad for me'

'He doesn't care for me' 

For Taehyung, the kiss was a remembrance of a blurry night he did not think he remembered. The touches, the kisses, and the sounds were all coming back piece by piece. If they have not established anything then Taehyung was not going to continue.

However, the boy couldn't find the nerve to break the kiss. A kiss filled with desire and longing. The moment was right. He felt as if he was in the clouds as if the world had stopped spinning and everything froze. 

Jungkook was the first to break the connection, initially to catch a breath. Then he wondered what the hell did he just do. That was not the plan whatsoever. No one knew what to say, neither of them knew how to crush the awkward tension. 

"What was that," Taehyung spoke first, a normal reaction to what had just occurred. 

Jungkook laid his head down on the pillow and looked up at the ceiling, "Is it bad that I want to kiss you again?" 

Taehyung laughed in shock and stared up at the ceiling as well, "What if I said Yes?" 

"I will kiss you anyway," Jungkook shrugged and turned back over to look at the boy's side profile, "I know you don't want me to be alone, I get that, but I don't need you to be forced into being romantic with me, yes I want you more than a friend. But that doesn't mean I need you," 

"Who said I was being forced?" 

"Kook, You don't want to be with me, I know you don't, so I would rather not get false hope," 

"Is it because of Do-Yeon?" Jungkook quietly asked, Taehyung meeting his eyes, "Jungkook why are you quick to jump to conclusions? I might be pregnant, but if I wanted Do-Yeon I would be with him, I don't want him like that," 

"Well, good, he has a weird Bio on Instagram," Jungkook smiled as he got off the bed, and headed to the bathroom, "Isn't yours I put the hot in psychotic?" Jungkook chuckled and closed the bathroom door. 

Taehyung's face remained with a smile for a moment. He still doesn't know what happened at school. He doesn't know what the future will hold with him and Jungkook. But he does know one thing for sure, Jungkook is here to make Taehyung happy. That is all that matters right now. 

The rest of the night consisted of unnoticed glances between each other. Especially when Jungkook came to the realization they were planning out where to put furniture in a nursery. He looked at Taehyung in a new light. Jungkook couldn't help but smile when Taehyung did. 

The two were happy with how they were. Happy that they weren't alone. Happy that they had each other.

The Jeon Family- Taekook AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin