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The morning came like a fungus that never goes away. This time Taehyung was positive he couldn't get out of bed. His whole body ached and every minute that passed he was dreading the day.

The boy looked towards the door that slowly opened revealing his mom. The woman had a soft and shy smile placed over her smooth skin.

"Hey you have a doctors appointment today,"

"I might have to be wheeled in," Taehyung joked as he grunted while sitting up, "You look really pale are you feeling okay?" She questioned, rushing over to the side of the bed.

Worry taking over her smile that was perfectly placed.

"I'm fine, I am just really sore and..." Taehyung trailed off, he raised an eyebrow and his face grew worried, "Be right back," He rushed out of bed and to the bathroom.

Hovering over the toilet, he grabbed onto the base of the bowl. The woman rushed beside him and wet a cold rag.

"Mom," the boys voice struck out defeatedly, he sighed as his body began ejecting all liquids and food he had eaten the night prior.

On the other side of town Jungkook groggily got out of bed. His arms stretching then his hand began to scratch the back of his head.

The boy yawned and went into his bathroom. He looked in the mirror and rubbed his face. His eyes were puffy due to the sleepless night he had.

He doesn't understand why the friend Taehyung was on the phone with was bothering him so much. It could be the fact that he feels like he is growing farther apart from Taehyung.

Even with everything happening in their life, he couldn't help but they were both in two different places.

[Message from 2nd mother]

[7:00] hey Jungkook, Tae isn't feeling good and won't be going to school. He has a doctor's appointment at 2:00 so if you want to go let your parents know so they can dismiss you. See you later :)

Jungkook read the message a few times before picking the phone up in his hand. He groaned and looked back in the mirror.

Being a parent was already hard and the baby wasn't even born yet. All the appointments, the schedules, and the shifting was growing more difficult each day.

He and Taehyung haven't even discussed the arrangements for when they graduate. Time was passing by, faster day by day. Jungkook couldn't keep up. 

With endless thinking Jungkook wondered if his hardships would ever end.

[message to 2nd mother]

[7:15] Hey, so I don't think I can make it to this one :( I have weight lifting after school and with basketball season starting I have to go. Tell Tae I wish him good luck and hope he feels better :)

Taehyung looked up at his mothers saddened expression as she read the message. A confused gaze emitting on his face.

"What is wrong?" The boy questioned as he sat back on the bed, pulling the cover over his body while sitting up, "Jungkook isn't going to make it to the appointment,"

"Oh that is okay, I'll text Jimin and ask if he can go, maybe Jin too," the boy stayed positive which was a good trait the boy always has had.

"Okay, we'll get some rest bear, make sure to set an alarm because your dad and I have to go to the office today and finish some paperwork," she spoke as she caressed the boys round face.

Making his cheeks puff up, the young boy smiled reassuringly and grabbed his phone. His finger hover over Jimins message icon.

He could not push away the hurt he was holding inside as he watched his mom walk out of the room and close the door. He really did feel alone in this right now.

The world felt as if it was caving in around him with no hole to breath out of.

[message from Jungkook]

[7:25] hey taehyungie I hope everything goes well! Keep your head up and I'll see you later!

Taehyung sighed and began forming words to text Jimin.

When Jimin received the message he had walked into school. His eyes narrowing over to Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon. Jin paused and looked over at the message.

"Ridiculous," Jin spoke as he storming over to the boys who were sat on the bench, "Can you tell your best friend to get a stick out of his-"

"-Jin, stop, guys when you see Jungkook tell him to jump off a bridge," the boy spoke with a calm tone and Yoongi raised his eyebrow.

"Why us? You are the one that has a big mouth," the boy replied and Jimin was ready to lunge foreword and Jin held him back.

"What is going on?" Namjoon sighed and Jin let the boy go out of his grasp, "Jungkook isn't going to Taehyungs doctor appointment today, and I think Taehyung is really hurt," Jimin began to type back to the boy.

[message to Taehyung]

[7:29] of course Jin and I will come, or you can always invite Do-Yeon 😏

[7:29] I want Jungkookie :(

Jin groaned, "Pregnancy hormones are making that boy more attractive then he actually is,"

"Who? Do-Yeon?" Hoseok rubbed the nape of his neck, confused as to why all of this was happening before 8 in the morning.

"I think Do-Yeon is an attractive man," Namjoon spoke with a shrug, earning confused looks towards him, "I mean- well actually..." the boy began to trail off, "No homo?" Namjoon smiled, trying to get the gazes off of him as soon as possible.

"Namjoon, you are literally gay," Hoseok lectured and Namjoon groaned, "Two tops don't make a bottom," The boy defended earning laughs from the group.

"He is actaully exactly Taehyungs type, just without the bunny smile and the dark hair, and the perfect nose, okay well at least Do-Yeon will be there for Tae," Jin laughed and everyone groaned.

The reaction was confusing, especially when they all looked down and shook their head.


"What about Do-Yeon?"

The Jeon Family- Taekook AUWhere stories live. Discover now