Chapter 14: Dinner

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Lauren got home one Friday night. After entering and locking the door, she noticed that dinner had been prepared, complete with a bottle of wine and two candles on the table.
She grinned as she walked up to the dining table. He approached from behind her, still in awe of what John had accomplished.

"Lauren, welcome home," he remarked with a smile. She pivoted to face him.

"John, what's this for?" She smiled and asked courteously,

"Well, I've been here for over a month now and you've been the one taking care of me, so I thought I could return the favour by making dinner today,"

"But John, you didn't have to," she grinned.

"Oh come on, you're so nice you don't even need me to do you any favour," he said walking to her and holding her shoulders, then he pressed her down one of the chairs in the dining, "Now let's eat," he said whispered to her ear. She smiled and brushed her hair with her hand,

John walked to another seat in the dining and sat down. He picked up the bottle of champagne and poured a little into the two wine glasses, he then gave her one and left one for himself.

While they were about to start eating dinner, there was a knock on the door. John looked at Lauren,

"Are you expecting someone?" he asked,

"No, I'm not, go hide," she said and headed to the door while John stood up and hid behind the kitchen walls. She looked through her peephole and saw it was her neighbour Peter. She sighed and opened the door,

"Hi Peter," she said,

"Hi, uh...are you alone?" he asked and stretched his neck to see inside her house but she used her body to block him from seeing inside then she walked outside and closed the door behind her.

"What do you want Peter?"

"I was wondering if we could spend the night together, you know, watch a movie, have dinner and all that,"

"Sorry Peter, not tonight, I'm busy," she said and tried to go back inside,

"But I already made dinner for two," he said,

"And I already made dinner for one... I don't like wasting good night," she said, walked in and closed the door.

"Wait," he said but she had walked in and locked the door by then.

She walked back to the dining table and said down,
"You can come out now Johnny," she said and John walked back to the table,

"So, who was th... Wait did you just call me Johnny?

"Yeah, is there a problem?" she asked,

"No, it's just only my best friend calls me that, and now you did, I remembered him,"

"Oh my God, I'm sorry I had no idea,"

"No it's fine," he said and smiled, then he had a bite of his stake.

"So, why are your parents in London," she asked after a weird minute of silence,

"Well, my parents love London so much. They said they'll love to go there after they retire, and they did, it's been almost 10 years since they retired, although they retired earlier because they are very rich,"

"That's nice, you have super rich parents," she said,

"Oh stop it," he said and they both laughed, "How about your parents, you never mentioned them before,"

Lauren sighed and dropped the fork after John asked,
"They aren't with me anymore and I miss them. If they were here they'd know what to do if I get myself into any kind of trouble, I just wish they were here," she said and looked down at the table,

"I'm so sorry, they are in a better place now," he said,

"No they are not, I mean it's not like New York is better than Washington," she said,

John looked at her confused,

"I said New York isn't better than Washington,"

"Wait where are your parents?" John asked curiously,

"In New York," she said and John stayed quiet for a while looking at her, then she busted into laugh, "I'm sorry I was messing with you, they are in New York,"

"Damn, you sounded like they were dead," John said and laughed,

"Of course I did, they're good, but from here to New York is like a four to five-hour drive so I don't always have the chance to see them,"

"Well the point is they're okay," he said.

After dinner, Lauren escorted John to his room and when they were at the door, she smiled at him,
"Thanks for tonight, I really enjoyed the stake," she said,

"No, thank you, Lauren, thanks for believing me,"

"Oh geez," she said and looked away, "Are you still thanking me for that?"

"I can't thank you enough," he said,

Lauren smiled,
"Good Night John,"

"Good night," he replied and they both went into their rooms. When John lay in bed, he smiled at the ceiling because he was beginning to feel less pressurised about his current situation.

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