Chapter 18 :Under The River

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The Morning News...

There are chances Mr John White is dead.

"It's been two months since Mr White has been missing even though the military has been going from house to house to look for him and no one has been able to find him despite the $500,000 offer to anyone who finds him.
The military stated that he might have been dead two days after the president of the United States was killed after they chased him into a river. Yesterday afternoon the temporary commander of the army called divers to search the river to see if they could find his body and they did find a dead body which is suspected to be Mr White, although the victim's face was condemned badly by the effects of the water but the device wasn't found with him.
The authorities have said that the border to the United States along with other American and European countries will be opened by the end of the month if they confirm the dead body found in the river belongs to Mr White. I will now reveal what the FBI is saying about this current situation,
(the news lady said and the camera went life to where the FBI was standing) ''I believe the body belongs to Mr White because I don't think anyone would jump into a river like that by accident. Again the area where the river is located is highly isolated and citizens have no business there except he or she is a criminal, lastly, the military confirmed that Mr White was spotted there before his disappearance so it's definitely his body,"

On hearing this, John White jumped in Joy because now the pressure was low on him. He was so happy that he couldn't even sit down.

When Lauren got back from work, she found him in the living room, with the way he looked, she was sure he was happy.

"Well that's something I don't see every day," she said,

"What's that?" John asked with a smile on his face,

"Your smile," she said.

John stood up and walked to her, then he placed his hands on her shoulders, "I'm so happy," he said,

"What's that?" she asked and chuckled,

"The authorities said because I have been missing for two months they'll open the American border and assume I'm dead,"

"Oh my goodness that's great news," she said and they both hugged,

"When the military was after me, I jumped into a river, then they saw a dead body inside that same river yesterday and thought am the one, I'm so happy, at least I can finally leave the country,"

When he said this, the smile on Lauren's face wiped out.
"Leave the country?" she asked curiously,

"Of course," he said with a smile on his face,

"Oh," she said and looked at the ground,

"Of course ... And hey, thanks for everything, I couldn't have done it without you," he said,

"You're welcome ... But, you don't have to leave," she said,

John sighed,
"I've made you go through a lot Lauren, because of me you don't invite guests over, you feed me, you take care of me, I mean it's too much and I don't want to keep stressing you,"

"But I never complained," Lauren said forcing out a smile,

"Of course, you won't, because you want me to be comfortable, I get it, and I'm so grateful Lauren," he said and headed upstairs in full joy while Lauren glanced at him feeling a little sad that he was leaving soon.

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