Chapter 31: An ambush

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He opened the door and looked at her,

"Ma'am, Mr White has escaped," he said which shook the American president and Lilian who were waiting for his arrival and her $500,000 reward.

"How did this happen?" she asked.

"According to some eyewitnesses, he got help from the Spanish military," he said,

"The Spanish military? That means they are the ones behind this," she exclaimed, "Oh my God," she whispered.

At an unknown location...

"Wakey wakey," John heard the sound of a lady. He looked at her but his eyes were still blurred so he couldn't see her until after a short while. He was tied to a chair and there were lots of soldiers standing in the room, Spanish soldiers.

"Who are you?" John asked curiously with an exhausted voice.

"It doesn't matter who I am honey, but I'm Isabelle," she said and smiled,

"Where is she, where is Lauren?" he asked with a dizzy voice,

"I don't know who Lauren is, but if it's the girl we brought with us, hmm she's fine,"

"What, what do you want from me?" John asked feeling extremely exhausted,

"I thought you already know, I want the fucking key," she said,

John sighed and looked into her eyes,
"I'll never give you," he said,

"Hmm, you're one tough fucking guy, I mean I expected it, if one man could stress America for four months, who am I not to be stressed?" she said but John stayed quiet. "You stand between me and a hundred million dollars, please give me the key John,"

He smiled,
"I don't have the key, and even if I do how will I give it, my hands are tied up," he said,

"Hmm, that's correct. Untie him," she said, "I'd like to see you try to escape a warehouse with a hundred armed soldiers inside," one of the soldiers walked to him and cut the rope they tied his hands with. 

"So can I have the key now?" she asked,

John smiled,
"I said how could I give you the key if my hands are tied, I never said I'll give you if you release me," he said which pissed her.

She shot John's leg when he said this and yelled,
"You better give me that key right now or I'll kill you,"

With pain John replied,
"How then will you get the key if you kill me?" he asked and laughed.

"Okay, if you think you can play this game, then I'm in," she said, then she ordered one of the soldiers to be Lauren.

When the solider took her to the scene, he tossed her on the floor, then Isabelle walked to her and pointed a gun to her head,

"No, stop, don't do it," John yelled,

Isabelle smiled,
"It's funny how you were acting all tough now you begging, you must love this girl,"

"Just don't hurt her," he said,

"Well, if you do love this girl, then I'm sure you would find it easy to exchange her for the key," she said.

"What are you going to do with the key?" John asked,

"Hmm, I don't know what door the key opens but I'll give it to the president of Spain and a hundred million is mine,"

"This key could end lives," John said,

"Well, I don't care about one man losing his life, all that really matters is that you get away with it, which is why I found it easy killing the president of the United States. I figured he couldn't just die and the police would trace the murder to me if I killed him like that which is why I had to wait for someone to come into his office before posing his drink and dropping the wrapper inside his pocket," she said and winked at John, then she laughed.

The moment she said this, John remembered a bodyguard serving the drinks on the table and bumping into his chair, and he helped the bodyguard pick up her earbud after it fell.

"It was you, you're the one that put the wrapper in my pocket,"

"Damn right I did, and now I'll kill your girlfriend if you don't give me the key," she said and held up Lauren,

"Okay, okay," he said and brought out the key from a tiny pocket inside his trousers, "Here is the key,"

"No, don't do it," Lauren yelled,

"I can't lose you, Lauren, I can't lose our baby," he said,

"Oh you both are having a baby as well, that's cute," she said and pointed the gun to her stomach, "Would you watch your wife and unborn child die because of a key?" she asked,

"Here," he said and dropped the key on the floor, then Isabelle instructed one of the soldiers to get the key, the man walked to the key, picked it up and gave it to Isabelle,

"Yes...yes... A hundred million fucking dollars is mine at last, it's time I fulfil my dreams, of having sex on a million-dollar bed," she said then she pulled the trigger, while the gun was still facing Lauren's stomach.

"No," John yelled and ran to her, then he laid her on his lap, "Babe, babe, please talk to me, Please don't die," he said

"Oh my gosh, did I pull the trigger? I had no idea there was a bullet inside this thing," she said and looked at the gun. "But now there is, I'll have to send you where I sent your wife," she said and pointed the gun to John's head, just as she was about to pull the trigger, there was an ambush and heavy gunfire at the warehouse, the American military came out of nowhere.

When this happened, Isabelle ran out of the warehouse through the back. John then informed the military that she had the key, before some of them could go after her, she got into a chopper and it took off. While the chopper took her away from them, she looked at them through the door and laughed at them, then she licked the gun in her hand and showed them the key knowing fully well they couldn't get her.

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