16 ☆ five billion won

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five billion won chapter 16

I yawn, waking up to the light seeping through my curtains

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I yawn, waking up to the light seeping through my curtains. My eyes instantly look at the time on my alarm clock: eight in the morning. The perfect time to wake up. I sit up, hoping that the sunlight has grown on me, but it hasn't. My heart sinks to my stomach, unable to forget last night's events.

I pick up my phone, seeing dozens of calls. Some were from Taehyun, some from Soobin, and even one from Yanxi. Then, there were texts from Taehyun too, the number I could recognize from the day he called me in my car.

Sora, where are you?

Sorin just told me you
left, but why? You're

supposed to be here!



Sora, call me when
you see this. We need
to talk.

I can't bring myself to care. The only thing I care about right now is how drunk I can get within an hour to cease all this heartbreak. Oh, right, on that, Sorin said we'd go drinking tonight! A shame that even after being friends, I don't have her number. I know her address! I can just go visit her myself.

As I stand up to get ready, there it hangs: the sage green dress. I take a few steps toward it cautiously, as if it were to turn into a monster and eat me. I press my fingertips against the fabric, the clipped butterflies and flowers tickling my skin. My eyes glance toward the mirror, my makeup smudged by my pillows and stained tears. If I were to wear this distraught look and dress down the runway, what would people think of me?

I let go, wiping under my eyes again. I muster up enough courage to fix myself up and wear something nice, putting on sunglasses in case I'd be seen by the paparazzi somewhere. I leave my apartment and head down, trying to pass by what seems like a ruckus.

"No, we're really friends, loo– Sora!" I freeze, almost jolting at the sound of my name. Facing the feminine voice, I see Sorin. She begins to point at me as me and the security guard makes eye-contact. "See! I told you, we're friends! I'm not one of her stalkers."

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