33 ☆ downpour bouquet

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downpour bouquet chapter 33

"What's Taehyun been up to?" I ask Sorin as we enter Taedu with my bodyguard, two coffees–one for myself and one for him–in his hands

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"What's Taehyun been up to?" I ask Sorin as we enter Taedu with my bodyguard, two coffees–one for myself and one for him–in his hands. Sorin shrugs, pushing up her glasses for the sake of keeping her eyes awake. She's been restless since last night since Taehyun's been requesting a complete change in their fashion drop but doesn't know what to do with it. Being the lead designer, Sorin has no choice but to accompany the CEO in all he does, trying to give him new ideas. "We haven't been together for the last few days since I've been working on some advertisements."

"I don't think it's because you're busy, Sora," She huffs. "It's almost like he's been tearing himself up over this deal he has with CEO Choi. He's been telling me about his desire to make some clothing himself for the sake of you, but, he really can't bring himself to do it. He almost thought about forfeiting."

I frown. "Make sure to tell him he shouldn't force himself to go beyond the boundaries he set in place for himself. I don't want him to mentally destroy himself over a challenge," That hurt my heart. How could Taehyun try and do this to himself without thinking of what he's capable of? "I don't know what they're up to, but it sounds like trouble."

"You think?" Sorin laughs, pressing the elevator button. Soon, a flood enters the small hall, and everyone gets into the elevator. I managed to make it to the front with Sorin, seeing someone coming. I press the open button, making sure the doors don't close.

"Could you close the door please?" Someone asks, but I don't listen. The man continues to walk, finally spotting the open elevator, eyes widening. "Come on, woman! We have work to do!"

"Be patient," I snap, glaring at them. The man turns the other way, mumbling incoherent words under his breath. "Someone is coming. Be nice."

Sorin giggles as we attempt to make room, her eyes widening at the sight of his face. I look between them, trying to put together the puzzle pieces, but I can't read Sorin that well. He bows in my direction, and just as I let go of the button, the elevator buzzes. People groan as the old man looks to his feet, a basket of items in his hand.

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