41 ☆ yeju, taedu

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yeju, taedu chapter 41

yeju, taedu ✧ chapter 41

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Two weeks passed.

Today was the day Yeju Designs would present their recent collection, or really, the day that Yeonjun would temporarily enter the light, and then leave it again. Both Taehyun and I were invited–and it would be the first time I saw him since I met his mother. He told me that night that he was going to do what he claimed was the impossible:

"Sora," Letting go of me, Taehyun stared into my eyes. I tilted my head slightly, trying to read his mind. "I'm going to do it."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to design the next collection," A smile raises like a sun over the horizon, slowly yet brightly. "With my own, bare hands."

Since then, we've kept in contact over text. Sometimes, he'll call me and rant to me about how today was a rough day, how learning from Sorin is hard at times because she's very precise when it comes to touching fabric and stitching it all together. He has yet to tell me what anything looks like or what the theme is, but I suppose that's the fun of it.

"Sora, are you ready to go in?" My driver asks me, causing me to leave my trance. I smile and nod, grabbing the handle. "Wait, Sora," He pauses and reaches into his pocket, taking something out. Reaching toward me and opening his palm, he hands me a plastic bag of cookies. "This is some cookies my daughter baked. She really likes you, and since it might be a while before the afterparty, she wanted to give you them to snack on."

I laugh and take them from his hands, placing the bag in my suit pocket. "Thank you so much, and tell your daughter to make me more in the future. I'll eat them all," He laughs and nods eagerly, unlocking the car. So, I face the window and see the preparation of the cameras aiming at the limousine, hoping that I'd come out unscathed and perfect.

I open the door and the flashes interrogate me. I fully step out and more come, ambushing me in white. I smile and wave although I can't see anything, and I just hope for the best as I walk forward. "Sora, Miss Sora! Please look here!" The words overlap each other, almost to the point where it sounds like complete gibberish. Still, I make out a few, turning where I hear, waving and smiling. "Miss Sora! Are you entangled with someone!? Are the rumors true!?"

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