Chapter 3

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Tobi's eyes slowly fluttered open. The first thing he saw was a ceiling fan, his ceiling fan. His body ached but he managed to push himself up noticing he was back at home in his bed. Tobi rubbed the back of his neck when his wife, Lizzie, came in.

"Oh good you're awake sweetheart. I was afraid that I was going to have to take you to the hospital." she placed her hands over her heart. She then came over and sat next to Tobi on the bed. "After Steve and Lewis found you unconscious in the back room, they called me and asked if they should take you to the hospital but I declined and took you home instead." Lizzie kissed his head.

"Jesus... I thought I was going to die!" Tobi fell back onto the bed. "Wedgeman, the one with the skull mask," his finger circled around his face, "had me pinned to the floor. I was in so much pain!" Tobi groaned at the memory.

"Well then you better get some sleep because it's eleven at night baby." Lizzie got under the covers with him. "Goodnight. I'm glad you're okay."

The next morning Tobi felt a whole lot better. Mainly because he had off work today. Unless an emergency came up, which he prayed wouldn't. Lizzie was still sound asleep next to him. Her blonde curls cascading across her face. Tobi felt so lucky to have such a caring wife. After rolling out of bed he noticed he was only wearing his underwear. He just threw on some sweatpants and the first t-shirt he saw. He shuffled out of his room and over to the bathroom to get some Advil for a headache he could feel coming. Once he made his way to his kitchen, he got a cup of coffee and sat on his couch. He turned on the TV only to hear them talking about last nights robbery. Everyone's favourite news reporter, Harry, was talking about the incident in such great detail as if he was there. Tobi muted the television, not wanting to hear anymore. He was going to need a therapist for this one.

These two criminals are the first everyone learns about who is training to be a police officer. Although Tobi himself has never been part of one of their cases, most of his friends have. They've told Tobi all these stories of encounters with the deadly two, making him feel as if he was left out of the action. However, he now regrets wishing he had been part of it. Tobi didn't understand why he wanted to be involved with people who have murdered innocent others and gotten away with it.

"I can't believe you got up first after such a crazy day yesterday." Tobi heard his wife's voice coming from the kitchen.

"I guess I couldn't sleep anymore." he shrugged. He looked up at the clock to see it coming to ten o'clock. The phone in the kitchen then began ring. Lizzie answered it quickly.

"Hello? Oh good morning Mr. Wellings!" she greeted. Tobi groaned hearing his boss's name being said. Coming into to work was the last thing he needed. "Sure thing. Tobi he wants to speak with you." she held the phone out. Tobi got up and grabbed the phone from her with a disgusted face.

"Good morning sir what seems to be the problem? A reporting... at the library? I'll be there shortly thanks." Tobi hung up and faced Lizzie. "Apparently someone called the station saying Wedgeman and Zerker were on their way to the library."

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