Chapter 16

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When all four of them left the prison, Cal drove them to the edge of the Grand Senora Desert. Josh and Simon looked at each other the same way they did at the robbery of the jewelry store.

"Cal stop the car." Josh tapped his shoulder. Cal did so and both boys hopped out of the car. JJ rolled his window down.

"What are you doing? Get back in." JJ said impatiently.

"No, you got us free, that's all we wanted. A free ride." Josh explained.

"But we're still so close to the prison. You're not going to walk all the way back to city on your own are you?" JJ asked. There was a strange tone his voice that Josh stayed cautious to.

"Don't worry, we're fine on our own." Josh and Simon started walking away. Suddenly gun shot was made, startling the two. They turned around and saw JJ with gun pointing to the sky.

"Get in the god damn car." JJ sneered. He thought he had outsmarted them by getting a gun. He was proven wrong when Josh brought out a gun he had snuck out from Cal's office.

"You really think we're that stupid, that one of us wouldn't steal a weapon before leaving?" Josh snickered. Just as things were about to get heated, sirens and alarms began ringing from the prison.

"Now you have no choice. Get in." Cal leaned over. Josh and Simon quickly got in as Cal stepped on it. He drove them straight into the center of the city.

"Where are you taking us?" JJ asked frustrated.

"To the top of Maze Bank." he replied. "It's far away from the police and you guys can have your fight up there." Cal reasoned. He parked the car in front of the ever so tall and icon building. Being a police officer had its perks. He had access to the whole building. Him and the three jail breakers, rushed to the top not stopping to anyone who says anything to them.

Ethan, his mom, Vik, and Tobi all stood inside Harry's office listening to his story that he was reading to them before he releases it. Ethan zoned out almost as soon as he began. He stared out the office window that looked into the hallway. All of the sudden, he saw Simon, Josh, and two other men sprinting down the hall.

"Josh!" Ethan exclaimed. He then ran out of the ran room following them up the staircases. His mom and the others followed as well. She wanted to make sure everything was okay. Tobi recognized Cal and wanted to know why he was with the three criminals. Vik just wanted to be part of the excitement, while Harry saw this as an opportunity for another story. Everyone ended up on top of the building, out of breath. It was just them and one helicopter sitting on the roof.

"Lets do this." JJ brought his gun back up to point. Everyone but Simon, Josh, and Cal started to panic. JJ shot the gun at Simon but missed, and instead almost hit Vik who was crouched on the ground.

"Nice aim." Cal teased. JJ wasn't in the mood to mess around. He pushed Cal as hard as he could, causing him(Cal) to stumble and fall off the top. Everyone gasped in fear. It was Josh's turn to shoot but once again he was interrupted. Two helicopters rose to the top, sending Josh and Simon into a fret. Out of pure fear they jumped into the chopper that was on the roof. They only flew out a little ways before the other copters began firing at their's. Simon and Josh grabbed two parachutes and jumped out. The police continued to shoot at their parachutes, making them spin and fly out of control. Simon got shot in the arm once. Josh was taken out first. He was pushed to one of the bridges that ran over the sewer stream. He was about to hit it when his parachute ripped. He fell straight into the water. Simon managed to make it to the bottom without losing his parachute, but when his feet hit the water, his legs didn't have the strength to hold him up, letting him collapse into the stream.

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