Chapter 10

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They started to panic but they weren't going down without a fight.

"Shit. Get in the car." Josh commanded. Simon ran around to the passenger side, while Josh shoved Ethan into the back where the bag of hand bombs that JJ gave them still sat.

"Why are bringing this little shit with us?" Simon hissed.

"Because he's the one who got us into this mess. If we're going down, he's going down with us." Josh explained as he started the car.

"Whatever just drive! Drive!" Simon started to freak out. Josh hit the gas with all his weight and they were off. He was driving as fast as he could down the highway, and out of the city. Five cop cars chased after them.

"Josh," Simon tapped his shoulder, "where are we going?" He kept looking back at the cars behind them. The scenery became more forest-y with dirt roads.

"Mount Chiliad." Josh had a blank expression on his face. Simon noticed Ethan praying to himself in the back.
"We aren't going to let you die. Don't worry." Josh reassured him.

"I'm not taking my chances." Ethan said in between prayers. Josh made a sharp turn, sending them all sliding to the side.

"Ow!" Simon hit his head on the window. "Watch it."

All three started to ascend up the gigantic mountain. The cars that had been chasing them stopped at the bottom. As the car climbed the mountain slowly, they thought maybe they had gotten away once again. However, they saw a chopper rise from the top of the mountain.

"What do we do?!" Simon panicked again. Josh didn't say anything. Instead he focused on the barely visible road ahead. The car was so close to the peak but they had one steep slope in front of them; Blocking them from their freedom. Josh pushed on the gas pedal as hard as he could but the car couldn't make it. It started sliding back down the mountain.

"Fuck, Fuck." Josh tried to gain control of his car but he couldn't. It hit a boulder behind them flipping the car onto it's roof. "No!" Josh shouted. The car was now spinning out of control upside down. Everyone inside was screaming at the top of their lungs. A few times someone would lose conscience for a couple of seconds. The zentorno hit more rocks making it tumble down the mountain. They were all flying, bouncing on the inside. They were swallowed by so much fear and adrenaline that they couldn't say anything or even cry. Just scream. The car hit a pine tree, smashing a window. Shards of glass scraped them. That's when Ethan saw a sticky bomb fly past him. It was flashing symbolizing that it could blow up at any moment.

"Bomb!" Ethan screeched.

"Jump!" Josh shouted next. He grabbed his door and forced it open. Josh jumped out and tumbled for a bit but then stopped, lying on the dirt. The others did the same action but Ethan laid motionless after jumping out. Right after they did so the car exploded, along with everything inside. It was all gone. The masks that had protected them and covered them from the police, gone. They had nowhere to hide now.

"Ethan! Simon!" Josh called. He stood up covered to dirt, bleeding and bruised.

"I-I'm alive." Simon said shaking. His face was splattered with blood and his right arm cut up. It must of been his window that had broken.

"Ugh." a small groan came from Ethan. Josh and Simon rushed over to see lay with his eyes shut tight. "It hurts so much." he held his left leg.

"Is it broken?" Simon helped him up. Ethan was able to stand on it but he preferred not to. Josh picked him up so he wouldn't have to stand. Simon, who was still shaking, began to cry.

"I h-haven't cr-cried since-" Simon was cut off by a loud humming sound coming from above. They looked up to see a chopper hovering over their heads.

"Put the child down, and your hands up." A voice boomed from the copter. Josh and Simon stood there, staring at each other for what seemed like an eternity. Josh took a large gulp and put Ethan down. He then hung his head in shame, putting his hands up. Simon hesitated for a moment but then put his hands up.

Fake Gold (Sidemen AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن