Chapter 5

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Once Simon and Josh left, JJ quickly got changed. This trade was perfectly timed. JJ owed someone some money after he was loaned $1000. JJ only made $500, which he almost just spent all of it on the gold. Luckily the gold should pay off for the loan. Daylight was coming quick and he needed to get over to his friend's house quickly. JJ hopped into his Lamborghini and drove to the next neighborhood. Once he arrived, he parked in front of his friend's house and knocked on the door. The door opened shortly afterwards and their stood Joe.

"JJ, have you come to pay me back?" Joe let him inside.

"Yeah but not with money, with this." JJ held up the necklace. Before saying anything else Joe went into a another room and came back with a magnet. He preformed the same trick as Josh did earlier. However, this time, the gold stuck to the magnet. Joe looked up at JJ with a disappointed expression.

"Is this some kind of joke?! You think you can pay me back with this? Fake gold!" Joe threw the necklace at JJ. "I want my money and I want it now!"

"Uh, um... let me go get what cash I have in my car now." JJ spoke nervously. He ran to his lambo and shut the door harshly. Anger filled up inside of him. "Assholes! They think they can trick me like that? And then take my money! Well those bastards thought wrong." JJ's knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel tighter and tighter. He then picked up his phone and called the police department. "Hello? Yes I'd like to make a report."

Simon and Josh parked "their" car right outside of the firework store. Josh looked at his watch to see it had just turned to nine thirty. They entered the shop calmly and casually. Their eyes lit up as if they were kids in a candy store. They spent about fifteen minutes gathering an area of firecrackers, sparklers, and chasers. Once they got what they wanted and paid for it, they headed over to the library.

JJ parked a few blocks away from the library itself. As he was walking to the front, he spotted the same adder Simon and Josh were driving earlier. JJ ducked behind a corner and watched. He saw the two grab a bag out from the back and then wander into the building. Some cop cars started to head down the street, so JJ ran up to the front of the library and waited for the cops. Three cars parked around the street but only two cops came out; one black and the other white.

"Are you the man who reported on Wedgeman and Zerker?" the white cop asked.

"Yes sir. I just saw them walk in ri-" JJ was cut off by the other officer.

"Wait, hold up, Steve. I know who you are." the black cop pointed his finger at JJ. "You're one of the five criminals in the black market, and I saw you steal my neighbor's car just last week!" He grabbed JJ's arms, put them behind his back and then pushed him up against the car.

"Goddam it, Josh and Simon." JJ mumbled under his breath.

"You're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be held against you." the same cop said putting JJ into handcuffs.

"Nice one, Tobi." the other cop, Steve, praised. "Now lets go find Wedgeman and Zerker."

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