Chapter 7

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A few days later and all has been pretty calm. Josh and Simon decided to lay low after two days of excitement in a row. While Simon stayed home, doing whatever a Simon does on his own, Josh went out for a walk. He enjoyed being in the nice part of Los Santos with all the fancy shops and sorts. Unlike the rundown, unfriendly part of town he lives in, people walk around this area without scowling at others in fear they are a threat. It's hard for Josh not to look at something he likes and be tempted to walk in and steal it. Unfortunately that's what his life has become; he has to steal his way through everything.

Josh and Simon manage to be content with life. They threw it all away at once so they wouldn't worry about having a burden of evil as they try to live a normal, successful life. They are still successful but in the criminal world. They are still happy because they feel free of their past selves. They are still content because they have each other.

As Josh made his way around downtown, he spotted a young boy staring into a electronic shop window. Just when Josh was about to ignore him and pass by, he noticed bruise on his cheek. Josh was curious as to why a young boy would have such a nasty bruise as that, in this nice area. Unless Josh was looking at mirror image of his past self.

"I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one of those tablets either." Josh said to him. It wasn't exactly true but something to start up the conversation.

"Ya... I was thinking 'bout buying a cheap one, but you know." the kid shrugged.

"No I don't, what? Do you not have enough money?" Josh's tone came off a bit bitter sounding but he didn't mean for it to.

"I did, but then it got taken by some guys I know from school." he finally turned and faced Josh. "As you can tell." he pointed to his cheek.

"Sorry to hear but sometimes you've gotta stand up for yourself. I can buy one for you if you want." Josh started to reach into his pocket.

"No no I couldn't ask that from you." the boy shook his head. Josh couldn't tell if he was just being polite or playing the whole "stranger danger" thing. He couldn't blame him if he was. "My name's Ethan by the way." he held out his hand. He was definitely just being polite.

"I'm... James." Josh lied because even though no one knows what he looks like, he didn't want to risk his identity.

Josh shook his hand and offered for Ethan to join him on the rest of his walk. This was only because Josh felt sorry for him. He knew his pain. Even if it was kids from school rather than your own mother and father, a punch is a punch. A reminder that you're worthless and not strong enough to fight back. Something that tells you no one cares about your well being. These are what drove him and Simon to prove them wrong. Even if they've done it the wrong way. Josh decided he could help Ethan but not mislead him and turn him into trash. Although Simon and Josh are two powerful pieces of trash.

"What school you go to?" Josh asked, hoping to not sound like a child predator.

"A high school." But he apparently he did. Ethan sounded snippy, suddenly becoming less friendly.

"Fair enough response. I won't ask for personal information." Josh respected him. This is the first and only person Josh has done so with since Simon. The two talked about generic things instead until it started to get dark out.

"I think I can get home on my own." Ethan said to show his independence.

"Okay." Josh didn't argue with him. A feeling of worry towards the boy was strong in him however. "But before you go," Josh stopped him. "Don't let those guys at school make you feel weak." he gave some advice.

"Thanks. See you around tomorrow?" Ethan appreciated the slight affection.

"Sure thing." Josh agreed and then waved goodbye.
At home, Josh found Simon laying on the couch with only pants(trousers) on. The TV was on but muted. Simon wasn't asleep either. Probably because he had been sleeping all day.

"Simon where's your brain at? You're not much of a deep thinker." Josh teased about his friend's smarts. He walked in the kitchen to make a BLT.

"That's because I'm a quick thinker. Always on my toes and ready for action." Simon played it off well. They knew how to mess with each other delicately without provoking emotions.

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