Chapter 13

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The sound of footsteps up and down the hallway kept Simon awake. He could here the keys jingling on the guards belt, taunting him. A sigh escaped his mouth. He wondered where Josh had been put.

"Hey if you want to go home, I'll take the shift." a voice echoed down the section.

"Are you sure? Thanks." another voice replied. A few moments later Simon heard the first voice whispering. He sat up and saw an officer quietly talking to JJ. Simon was suspicious, but decided to leave it for the morning. Eventually Simon fell asleep only to be woken up by a dream he couldn't remember. He sat up and looked over at JJ's cell once again. JJ was sat on his bed, playing with his hands.

"Hey. Hey, what's with you and that officer?" Simon spoke softly, but loud enough to get JJ's attention.

"Why do you care?" JJ got up. He slowly walked to his door.

"Because I'm curious." Simon uttered.

"Look, it's none of your business. I can't trust you anyways." JJ responded. "But if you want to break free I can help." he offered.

"If you can't trust me, then I can't trust you." Simon remarked. "Besides, I don't need or want your help." he asserted. JJ shrugged and went back to his bed.

(Next Day)

"Hey, get up!" a guard demanded. He then hit his night stick against the cell bars. This startled Josh, causing him almost fall out of bed. "Hurry up, we've got food for ya." he said impatiently. Josh rushed to his feet and hurried out the door. The guard closed and locked it, then shoved Josh to the line of other men from his section. Josh didn't like being treated this way. Especially since he can't fight against it. They walked in a straight line, silently, to the cafeteria. He had high hopes in seeing Simon again. When they got to the cafeteria, flashbacks of school came to Josh's mind. All the horrible memories flooded his thoughts. He quickly brushed them aside. Luckily, Josh spotted Simon so he got his food as quick as possible and rushed over to him.

"Simon!" Josh called. His head popped up and a smile grew on his face. "I was scared I wouldn't see you here." Josh smiled back at him.

"Same. Besides we need to figure out how to escape." Simon added. They were ready to get back do doing what they do best; breaking laws. A body plopped down across from Simon and Josh. It was JJ with a stupid grin on his face.

"You know, you two would make a cute couple." JJ teased. Simon rolled his eyes and tried to focus on Josh again. They talked for a bit but JJ intervened once again. "It's funny how smart you guys think you are. Like you're escape artists. Even if you got out of here, you know you still haven't escaped your inevitable doom." JJ pointed his fork at them after taking a bite of the mush.

"And you haven't escaped your stupidity." Simon spat back at him. JJ laughed.

"Here's Simon trying to act all smart ass again. Maybe you should get your puppet master, Josh, to give you some advice on how to make better comebacks." JJ shoved Simon's shoulder teasingly. That was it. Simon was pushed over the edge. He doesn't take bullshit thrown at him lightly; especially when Josh is involved. JJ got up with his half empty tray about to throw it away when Simon stood up and smacked it out of his hand.

"Do you wanna fight?" Simon grabbed JJ's shirt collar. JJ only smirked at him before grabbing Simon's arm and twisting it behind his back.

"Yes." JJ whispered into his ear. Simon stomped on JJ's right foot causing him to yelp in pain and let go of Simon. He whipped around and punched his opponent square on the nose. JJ stumbled, but once he gained his balance, he came flying at Simon. Simon moved out of the away to stick his foot out and trip JJ. He then grabbed his shoulder and shoved him against a wall.

"Hey! Stop that!" an officer yelled. Simon ignored him and instead knees JJ in the stomach. The officers that were on duty ran over. Since Simon wouldn't stop, one of them tasered him. Simon screeched in pain and fell to the floor. He tried to get back up but they only repeated that action, this time on his side.

"Fuck!" Simon cried out. Josh decided it was time he got in on the action as well.

"Oi! You don't touch him like that!" Josh ran over and grabbed the officer that tasered Simon. He shoved him face down onto the ground. Another guard came up to Josh and pulled him away. That same guard pushed Josh to the floor and sat on him. A smirk grew on JJ's face.

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