Chapter 8

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Lizzie sat in the cold, stale hospital room for the third day in a row. She wanted to look at Tobi but she couldn't; she would start crying again. The doctors said that the bullet only hit the side of his head meaning it didn't go all the way in. Also, the side of the car that crashed, wasn't the side Tobi was in. The down side, is the bullet still damaged his skull and he is in a coma, which he might not wake from. A soft knock on the door brought Lizzie's head up.

"Mrs. Lerone, is it all right for some news reporters to ask a few questions?" the doctor peeked his head in. "Well, one reporter that is." he stepped aside and there stood the all famous, Harold Lewis. The top news anchor in the whole state. Lizzie ran her fingers through her hair, not making eye contact.

"Sure. But I apologize if I have trouble half way through." Lizzie sniffed.

"That's alright, I understand." Harry said graciously. Lizzie was expecting a camera crew to come in but no, just Harry and his tablet. He asked everything from "When did you hear about the crash" to "Why do you think he shot him".

"If Wedgeman and Zerker heard this, what would you say to them?" Harry asked.

"I would say: Learn what the consequences of your actions are before you fuck with people's lives."
Lizzie said angrily. As Harry got ready to leave, Lizzie grabbed Tobi's hand.

"I'm sorry for all that you're going through." Harry slowly turned the door knob.

"Thanks." Lizzie spoke softly. What Harry said didn't mean anything more to her than the last person who said it. She sobbed for a bit before she felt some pressure on her hand. Her eyes darted to Tobi's face in hope it meant something. Nothing else happened. Maybe it was time she gave up. Lizzie didn't want to but she hadn't eaten a proper meal in days. The heart monitor was still beeping, it's the only thing keeping her hopes alive.

"Tobi... why are you doing this to me? Just die if you're going to die!" she burst out in tears. Lizzie slammed her fist on the bed. "Please don't leave me." she whimpered.

"I won't." a voice weakly said. Lizzie whipped her head around to see Tobi slowly waking. Her stomach filled with butterflies, her hopes high that this awakening is permanent.

"Doctor! Doctor!" she called down the empty corridors. The doctor quickly rushed over to see what she yelling about. "He's alive!" Now her tears were of happiness not sadness.

"It's a miracle." the doctor breathed. Tobi managed to flash a weak smile, but he was still dying of pain on the inside.

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