Chapter 11

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The prison bar doors slammed shut. The guard didn't try to be a smart ass and say anything. Simon, whose head was still hanging, just turned around only to be faced with a concrete wall. The air was stone cold compared to the sauna his home was. His emotions contained a mixture of distress and frustration. He might be feeling beaten, but it only fueled him with the urge to fight more than ever. A chuckle behind him brought to his attention. Simon turned his head, seeing JJ staring straight at him.

"Well, well, well. Look who finally ended up where he deserves to be." JJ gripped his bars. His cell was right across from Simon's.

"Shut up you traitor. You belong here to." Simon spat at him.

"I'm the traitor? You're the one who lied and tricked me!" JJ raised his voice.

"That's your own fault for being an idiot!" Simon laughed. They were now having a stare down. Only twenty feet laid in between their cells.

"Where's your partner... James, I believe?" JJ mocked. He was really pushing Simon's buttons now. If there is one thing you don't do, it's get Simon angry.

"Shut the fuck up, cunt." Simon was ready to pounce on him.

"Don't try and act tough. You're nothing on your own and you know it." JJ smirked.

"If I could I would kill you in five seconds flat." Simon wouldn't back down.

"So? You can't. You're stuck here forever, you're lucky they didn't give you the death penalty!" JJ pointed at him. Simon tried to think of something else to say but he couldn't. "Exactly. You aren't going to last long here." he paused. "Last time I was here, it was for a drug deal. I served two years. That was bad enough. Now I've got six."

"But you see, if hadn't of called the police, if you hadn't left us alone du-" Simon got cut off.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. The black market is my job! I'm not the one made stupid life choices! You could've had a nice, decent life, but no. You decided to try and burn down your school! You're a persistent bastard who can't admit he's wrong! You're wrong, Simon! You lost!"
JJ shouted.

"Fuck you! It's not over. I'm getting out, and so is Josh!" Simon reached out at JJ. Simon was sick and tired, that even after all these years, people still think him and Josh had the life. In reality they started where almost every other criminal does; In a hell hole and that's where you end up too.

"Hey! You two, stop bickering and get back or I'll use force." a guard came running down to them. He waved his night stick at both of them. Simon resisted the urge to reach his hand out. He would've grabbed the night stick and beat the guard but he knew better. There was something he had to be able to take his anger out on, but no. Simon ran his fingers through hair, thinking, how could he get out of this hell hole.

"Beat me. Bash me. But you can never trash me." Simon mumbled to himself. Without Josh he felt scared. Simon had gotten so used to having someone actually care for you. He forgot what it felt like to be alone at the bottom again.

Fake Gold (Sidemen AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora