Chapter 12

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Ethan laid on his bed in a starfish position. He kept thinking over and over again about what just happened. He didn't feel scarred for life or anything. He probably was still in shock.

"Ethan, honey." his mom entered his room. "How are you feeling?" she stood in front of his bed.

"I don't, know." he answered honestly. These two men, these two supposedly evil men, didn't try to hurt him at all. Josh had lied to him about his name, but he understood why now. The only time they touched him was when Josh shoved him in the car, but that was because he was in a hurry, and when they tried to help him up and make sure he was okay after the explosion. Josh himself said he wasn't going to let him die. Now they're in prison.

"Are you sure you don't need anything?" his mother persisted.
Ethan nodded. "Alright. Vik is here too, can he come in?" she asked. Ethan, once again didn't say anything, he just nodded. His mom left and Vik came in.

"Ethan, man, how did you not die?!" Vik sat next to him. Of all the concerning questions Vik could of asked, he didn't.

"That's a good question." Ethan's eyes were still locked to the ceiling.

"Tell me everything. I want every last detail." Vik said anxiously. Ethan sat there for a moment trying to think how he could explain it all.

"I-I felt just as scared as them. We were so close to the freedom. You know?" Ethan looked over at his friend. Vik tilted his head, not understanding. "I mean we drove so close to the top of Chiliad but we fell back almost to the bottom again." Ethan thought about how much symbolism that had in itself. Right there, right at the top, but pushed back to the beginning. Their request for forgiveness was denied.

"Well... Did the cops chase you guys up the mountain? How high did you get?" Vik continued his list of questions.

"We just drove and drove. It all so fast. One minute we were in the city, the next, we were up halfway up the biggest mountain!" Ethan just gave Vik what he wanted to hear.

"Then what happened? Did they say anything to you?" Vik was eager to hear the rest.

"Then I saw a bomb flashing. We all jumped out and the car exploded. The only things they said to me were, 'We aren't going to let you die' and 'Is it broken'. Talking about my leg when they asked that." Ethan added on to his story. He didn't bother to add any of the thoughts or emotions he was and is feeling because Vik would've just ignored them. He clearly wasn't interested in them from the moment he walked in.

"You realise that in a strange sense you're a hero?" Vik said. Ethan sat up putting his full attention on Vik. "You got them caught! Well, we did. I mean I am the one called the police." Vik praised himself. Ethan just smiled at him.

"I suppose we're going to be TV for this one." Ethan laughed.

"I can't wait! Our names all over the state. It'll be so cool to meet, Harry. Could you imagine?" Vik turned all fanboy. He kind of had a man-crush on Harry. In all honesty Ethan could of cared less about being on television. He just wanted to know how Josh and Simon were doing. Ethan tried to deny the sympathy he was feeling for two murders. Ethan saw past their reputations the masks had given them.

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