Chapter 35. Homegame

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Ever since the events involving Evie, Renae hasn't been her usual cheerful, bubbly self

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Ever since the events involving Evie, Renae hasn't been her usual cheerful, bubbly self. As for myself, I can't help but feel a simmering frustration towards the entire situation. The way Cartel treated Evie was simply unacceptable. It has left a bitter taste in my mouth.

In a cowardly attempt to evade the consequences of his actions, apparently Cartel has made the decision to uproot his life and permanently reside in Las Vegas. It is evident that he fully comprehends the gravity of his actions and is now attempting to escape any potential repercussions or accountability.

This week my demands of my schedule have been relentless, with a multitude of practices, games, and promotional events. Last week Renae experienced a pregnancy scare. The news of a potential pregnancy brought about a mix of emotions for both of us. On one hand, we would have been happy and ready to embrace the step of starting a family. On the other hand, we realized that we were not fully prepared to take on the responsibilities of parenthood just yet.

After my promotional meeting in the morning, I made a quick detour to a florist shop. Selecting a bouquet of Renae's favorite flowers, I requested they be delivered to her salon, wanting to brighten her day. With a clear schedule for the evening, I prepared to cook a homemade meal. By time she had arrived home, dinner was ready to be served. 

"Something smells nice," she spoke as she entered the kitchen.

"I wanted to do something sweet for you today, considering everything that's been going on lately. I thought flowers and a home-cooked meal might bring a little joy back into your day."

She smiled, a faint glimmer of her usual cheer returning to her face. I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that my small gestures were making a difference. As we sat down to eat, Renae opened up about how much she had been struggling with the aftermath of Evie's ordeal.

"It's just so hard to understand how someone could treat another person so horribly," she whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of anger and sadness. "Evie didn't deserve any of that, and it breaks my heart to see her suffer."

I nodded in agreement, feeling that simmering frustration. We paused for a moment, both lost in our thoughts. The silence was broken by the sound of Renae's phone ringing. She glanced at the screen and sighed. "It's Evie," she said, her voice laced with concern. "I should take this."

I watched as she stepped out of the room. As she returned to the table, her eyes were watery. "She's struggling so much," Renae said quietly.

I reached across the table and took her hand in mine. "We'll be there for her, no matter what. We'll do everything we can to support her through this."

Renae smiled weakly, appreciating my words. "Thank you," she whispered.

As the evening continued, our conversation shifted to lighter topics, and the atmosphere in our home gradually lightened. We laughed and shared stories, momentarily forgetting the weight of the world resting on our shoulders.

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