Chapter 38. Vows then comes...

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Whitely and I planned a girls trip

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Whitely and I planned a girls trip. With everything Evie had been through, we think some relaxing time away would be a good start for her. Where going to a beach resort in Hawaii to indulge in some much-needed rest and rejuvenation. We believed it was essential to create a serene and uplifting environment for Evie, allowing her to escape the challenges and hardships she had recently faced.

With Whitely and I taking the lead in organizing the trip, we wanted to ensure that it would be an unforgettable experience for all of us. The resort not only boasted luxurious accommodations but also provided a myriad of wellness activities and services, such as yoga sessions, spa treatments, and meditation classes, that catered to our collective need for relaxation and self-care.

As we extended the invitation to our other close friends, Lydia and Kimye, we envisioned this trip as something more than just a vacation. It was a chance for all of us to come together, support one another, and form stronger bonds as friends. We wanted to create an atmosphere of unity and sisterhood, where we could freely share our thoughts, dreams, and fears, while also creating beautiful memories together.

With only two days remaining before embarking on the girls trip, Jermaine and I decided to make the most of the time together before then. We planned a date night that would allow us to escape from our daily routine and immerse ourselves in a world of fun. And what better way to do that than by visiting the vibrant miniature golf course.

As we approached the entrance, we were instantly greeted by an explosion of colors and an atmosphere brimming with energy. The lagoon theme that adorned the entire golf course ignited a wave of bliss within us, as it reminded us of the time we shared on our third date.

Jermaine and I took turns lining up our shots, carefully calculating the angles and power required to navigate around the tricky bends and challenging slopes. Each hole presented its own unique set of obstacles, ranging from narrow tunnels to spinning windmills, testing our precision and strategy.

As the game progressed, we couldn't resist engaging in some friendly banter and playful teasing. "Watch out, honey, I'm about to beat you at this hole," I said with a mischievous smile, playfully nudging him.

Jermaine confidently declared, "Oh please, I've got this in the bag. You better watch and learn, babe."

"We'll see about that, mister. Don't forget I'm the reigning champion of our last mini-golf outing."

He chuckled. "News flash, I didn't want to come across as too competitive, so I basically let you win," he remarked.

"Well, it looks like someone's feeling a little threatened this time around. Don't worry, I'll go easy on you," I jeered.

Jermaine swung his putter, confidently sinking the ball into the hole with a satisfied grin. "Looks like I've still got the touch," he boasted.

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