Chapter 39. Spouse

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San Diego🌆


Waking up this morning, my mind immediately drifts towards Renae and our daily routine

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Waking up this morning, my mind immediately drifts towards Renae and our daily routine. The first two mornings without her was a mix of unfamiliarity and longing. Without her, the house feels drained of its warmth.

My schedule has been busy throughout the day, but by time I arrive home and as the nights descend, the absence of her warmth by my side becomes more pronounced. The familiar sounds of her laughter and the soft melody of her voice echoing through the house are sorely missed.

Even the aroma of her coffee brewing in the kitchen, filling the air with its comforting scent, is noticeably absent. The couch where we would cuddle and watch movies together now feels too spacious. The kitchen, where we would prepare meals side by side, now feels colder without her cheerful presence.

Teddy, our furry companion, eagerly barks at my leg, as if expecting Renae to come in any moment and treat him to his evening snacks, just as she used to.

"I miss her too," I mumble to Teddy, feeling a pang of humor amidst how I'm feeling. "It's only been two days, and I must be the biggest simp in town, missing her this much," I add, gently picking Teddy up in my arms and making my way to the kitchen to fetch his treats.

Returning to the living room, I notice a missed call from her. I returned the call.

Phone conversation📞...

Renae: Aloha! hubby, heaha mai

Jermaine: (Chuckling) My wife is speaking Hawaii now. Well Aloha to you too.

Renae: Yes, the locals been teaching me. How are you, hun?

Jermaine: Honestly, I've been missing you a lot. It's different waking up without you next to me. The house just doesn't feel the same without your presence.

Renae: I miss you too, babe. How do you think I feel when you're away during basketball season and I come home after work to an empty house, even when I have family and friends over, it's still not the same.

Jermaine: Teddy misses you too. He's been waiting for his treats in the evenings. How's the trip so far?

Renae: Aww, my Teddy. Give him an extra treat for me. It's been so relaxing. Evie started surf lessons, she's been putting the past behind her day by day. Lyida arrived at the airport with an engagement ring. Lukas proposed! Also I have a sneaky feeling Whitely is pregnant. She hasn't drank any wine and she's usually the first one to grab a glass.... (Trailed off)

Jermaine: Wow, sounds like a lot has been happening while you've been away. I'm glad Evie is finding solace in surfing, and it's great news about Lydia. It seems like it's a baby season. Marlon informed me that Tanya is pregnant.

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