The Board of Governors

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The 13th day in the month of September was a stressful day for Dr. Katherine Jekyll, a well-known and benevolent lady, who wants nothing more than to rid mankind of evil. Her lawyer, Gabriella Jane Utterson, had been nothing more than kind and helping the doctor on her journey.

"Good luck, my friend," said Mrs. Utterson, "I hope they will listen."

"Thank you, my long-time friend," the doctor replied. "I hope so as well."

Dr. Jekyll left the premises of the mansion of the lawyer and boarded a carriage to St. Jude's Hospital, she was to face the Board of Governors. Dr. Jekyll sighed to herself and recited her proposition and her points on why it was necessary to allow her to experiment.

"To shape tomorrow for mankind," said she, "I have miracles that baffle the mind. Marvels only science can find." She took a deep breath and held the portfolio of her project tight. Soon the carriage pulled up onto the by-street and Dr. Jekyll stepped out, paying the driver and bidding farewell. She walked into the tall building whilst reciting a quiet prayer to the Lord that she shall do well. She sat down in the courtroom and folded her hands after setting down her portfolio on the furnished oak table. She took a deep breath and adjusted her small pair of glasses. The Recording Secretary recited the opening statement.

"The Board of Governors of St. Jude's Hospital is now in session," says he, referring to the far left of the high table in the shape of an arc, "Sir Danvers Carew, K.B.E, Chairman."

"Present," said Sir Danvers Carew with a nod of his head and took liberty to sit in his reserved seat.

The Recording Secretary referred to the nearest person. "His Grace, The Bishop of Basingstoke."

"Present," the bishop spoke, bowing with a stern face. The Recording Secretary referred to the center of the board.

"General Lord Glossop."

"Present," the General spoke, bowing and sitting down in his designated seat.

"The Right Honorable Sir Archibald Proops, Q.C."

"Present," Sir Archibald Proops nodded his head and took to his seat.

"Lady Beaconsfield."

"Accounted for," said she, sitting in her designated seat.

"Lord Savage."

"Accounted for," said he with a firm nod, sitting in his designated chair.

"The Order of business will be conducted by the Secretary to the Board of Governors, Mr. Simon Stride."

Mr. Stride nodded in silence and sat with the others. "Proposition number nine-two-nine, presented by Dr. Katherine Jekyll."

There was a clamour of interrupting voices throughout the room, one board member screaming over another.

"Jekyll, you're all talk an' no result!"

"Forever asking us to endorse empty promises!"

"What is all this mystery? Much ado about nothing, if you ask me..."

"You are the laughingstock of your profession and polite society! The mad scientist!"

"Order! Order!" said Mr. Stride. All the governors sat in their designated chairs at the high table. Dr. Jekyll took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Distinguished Governors," she began, rising from her chair to speak; "I have glimpsed the future. I have seen miracles that stun the mind; marvels only science can find; to shape tomorrow for mankind. And I can show them to you," she fumbled with her glasses and stood up straight. "If you wish me to." She took a sharp breath in and exhaled, shaking her fear and worry.

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