The World Has Gone Insane

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Late in the witching hour of the night, Dr. Jekyll began to have night terrors in her sleep, she tossed back and forth in her bed, her brow breaking into a sweat. Her temperature began to rise as she felt extremely plagued in her quarters. She felt shivers run over her like insects. Her terror continued, which it was featuring her as Hyde displayed for everyone to see, and she was to be executed by being hung in front of London. Everyone disowned her and Lanyon would be the executioner, and Utterson would watch in horror. She continued to toss and turn as the thought continued to fathom in her mind. Laughter is all she could hear. She heard the laughter of Elizabeth Hyde as she laughed at her and would tell her terrible things and try to get a rise out of her in her sleep. Jekyll's heart rate spiked terribly as she continued to experience this night terror. The terror felt similar to sleep paralysis as she was unable to escape it. She was forced to watch this terror. It continued. She watched in terror as her neck snapped and the crowd cheered, as they now knew that she was both the Good Doctor and the Evil Madwoman. They then burned her body, with no proper burial, they left her to be swept away by the wind.

'You are nothing,' said Elizabeth in her mind. 'No one will be there to save you once I reveal myself. They will all know your filthy secret, and they will become aware that it was you who committed all the sin and carnage. They will know that it was you who murdered a numberless amount of the human population. They will know in the end that it was never I who was filthy, they will know that it was you.' Elizabeth laughed evilly and continued to scream things at the terrified woman, making her petrified and she threw her into a nervous breakdown. Elizabeth appeared in front of her with a blade. Her face was not visible, the only thing appearing visible was her sadistic smile; a smile that belonged to the devil himself. Elizabeth ran towards her. It was too late when Jekyll had realized that she was bound by chains, being forced deeper into this situation. Elizabeth smirked and her blade now was that of a sword. The sword impaled Jekyll, but not only impaled, it made a clean stab through her abdomen and midriff from the front to the back. Jekyll could do nothing but sit bound in the chains of horror and shock, only being able to cough up blood. Elizabeth smiled.

"Goodbye, Doctor."

Jekyll awoke in terror screaming, and holding her midriff, gasping for air. She breathed frantically, for the woman was so terrified she did not know what body she was in. She awoke as herself, but at the same time she had awoken as Elizabeth Hyde. Shaking, she stumbled over to the mirror and lifted the cover to see herself but with her skin partially white in the appearance of spots. Her left hand was clawed. She sat on the edge of her bed and downed her glass of water, taking slow breaths.

"It was just a nightmare," said Jekyll. She repeatedly murmured that to herself, taking slow, deep breaths. "Hyde will never get out. I shall never let the public know."

She opened the drawer in her nightstand, pulling her journal from it. She withdrew the fountain pen from the drawer as well, since her quill and ink was in the study on the next floor. She began to journal, her hand still shaking.

'January 18th, 2 AM. Hyde has found a way into my sleep, and tortures me with night terrors in my dreams. She threatens to release my identity to the public as Hyde, it feels as if parasites are eating away at my brain, and nothing is the way it was before. I feel that I am living in a never stopping nightmare, with screaming pain in this '

Jekyll's pen scratched across her paper as she saw the shadow of a demon flutter across the room. She felt a chill run down her spine. The ink had spluttered across the paper, and she muttered a curse to herself because of it. She tried to write again.

'I will not let you leave this room without night terrors plaguing your vision,' said Elizabeth in Jekyll's mind. 'I command you to give me control, if even for a little while.'

"I refuse," said Jekyll aloud. "I will not give into your antics, Hyde."

'Such an imbecile you are, Doctor,' said Elizabeth with a laugh. Her tone then became irritated and angry. 'Why am I even here in the first place? Let me out! I deserve to be having the fun you refuse to have. You are stuck up and worrisome on a constant basis. You disgust me.'

The room began to darken and Jekyll tried to move her body, but she was bound by ropes of shadows under Elizabeth's command.

'Why won't you let me out? I am more than you could ever be! You stay in your lab almost every day, staying inside experimenting with such nonsense that I could never comprehend. It does not add.'

Jekyll began to panic; Elizabeth wove images of terrifying creatures with sharp teeth and gory appearances. Jekyll's blood ran cold. She could not dare to move. The creatures seemed all too real. The feeling of being underwater but on the surface was enough to dizzy her.

"I will find a way to overcome your antics, Hyde," said Jekyll. "After all, you are just a figment of my imagination. I made you. You are bound to my will and my command."

'Never! I will find a way to reveal myself and get control! You will never—'

"I renounce you, Hyde!" Jekyll shouted angrily, standing with her arms outstretched and the shadow monsters ceased, as well as her constraints. She sighed and looked in the mirror once more, fixing herself piece by piece. She managed to calm her senses and make her skin return to normal, and she also managed to make her hand normal as well. It was now Jekyll who faced herself in the mirror, not that contraption of a woman. She put her glasses on before she could sit on her bed and continue to journal. She found a spot to continue her entry after the ink splutter. She was left to wonder in her own madness.

'Continuing, I have found a new factor to this experiment. This experiment has only been running on for one year and four months as of currently, and only this morning did I experience a partial transformation. I believe it to be a stress factor. When my brain experiences high stress activity, the Hyde factors begin to show partially. This morning, I awoke in cold sweat from my previously mentioned night terror, and I saw that I had spots of white on my skin in different parts of my body. My left hand was clawed, which made it hard to write. These were all factors of Hyde. What does this mean? Am I prone to transforming into Hyde if stressed? Will I... become Hyde? Or is it just an appearance, where I am sitting in Hyde's body. Does this open a gate for her to sit in my form? I have many questions, but no answers. I am afraid to test on myself, but I suppose I should start since my hypothesis is posed. I will start further in the evening, since it is only the middle of the night, I will sleep to this afternoon to try and secure more sleep, peacefully.'

She saw more shadows pass by the room, them being only of pedestrians passing by on the by-streets, but she was not aware of that, being still so shaken from her night terror. She picked up her journal once more and left a wondering question on the back page of her entry.

'Has the world gone insane?'

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Ms. HydeWhere stories live. Discover now