Dr. Jekyll's Letter

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MRS. Utterson heaved a sigh, setting the letter on her desk. She rubbed her brow in slight irritation, trying to make sense of the mess she had with her friends.

"I cannot believe this... Now I understand why Lanyon seemed so mad last time. Since I came to know the truth. The truth being that... Jekyll transforms into the infamous Ms. Hyde."

She sighed and reached for her cup of tea, mindlessly stirring another three lumps of sugar into it. She sat back and was silent in thought for the moment and time being.

"I couldn't imagine it back then when they would argue over scientific theory... Who would have thought that this would lead to her death...? May you rest in peace Lanyon..."

Mrs. Utterson stirred her tea, thinking with a deeper insight.

"Jekyll must have been desperate. I am certain that there was no one left she could trust in her life..."

She set her tea down with a little bit of added force onto the desk.

"What is the point of blaming her for Lanyon's death as of now? Jekyll is missing and Ms. Hyde is dead. If I had not chased Ms. Hyde... I cannot believe it not one bit..."

She picked up the letter with her name on it. She ran her other hand across the handwriting, recognizing it as the handwriting of Dr. Jekyll. It looked like it had been done in a frantic manner, however.

"I need to read Jekyll's letter. This should reveal everything and let the unknown be thrown into the open for me. This should help with the truth."

She stood and went to the other side of the room, sitting down and began to read the letter, silently going over it in her head, crossing her legs whilst sitting by the fire.

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