How Can I Continue On?

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Dr. Jekyll was sorrowful in her room, reflecting by the windowsill on how she would make her dreams a reality. She heard the knocker rap upon the downstairs door. Poole came to fetch her from her room.

"Mistress, you have a visitor. It was Mrs. Utterson I believe."

"Thank you, Poole," said Dr. Jekyll. She arose from her chair and went downstairs to greet Mrs. Utterson.

"O, my god, I had heard what happened. Are you alright?" said Mrs. Utterson, adjusting her monocle.

"No, not at all, my friend," said Jekyll, walking over to her. "The Board rejected my proposition. I have been sitting shut up in silence and sorrow in my quarters, reflecting on whatever I shall do."

"My dear friend," started Mrs. Utterson, "I will support you no matter what you decide to do."


"Yes, Katherine?"

"How can I continue on? When they can block each step I take?" Dr. Jekyll held herself, a tear slipping down her cheek.

"Don't destroy the work you have done, Katherine, there's too much at stake," said Mrs. Utterson, putting a hand on Dr. Jekyll's shoulder.

Dr. Jekyll turned to face Mrs. Utterson. "But what if they are right?" said she, having a weary look on her face, "Have I let my dreams misguide me? I am so weary of this fight!" She let her shoulders fall, and she looked down at her hands. "There's so little left... inside me."

Mrs. Utterson spoke up with a small bit of determination in her eyes. "And what if you are right? But you did not see it through? You have got to see it through." Mrs. Utterson smiled trying to reassure her friend.

"When this all began, Katherine you knew there would be a price to pay. It is too late now to turn away, you have come too far." Mrs. Utterson smiled and held Katherine in a tight hug.

"I know you will find the way, Katherine. Good night."

"But wait! Will you not join me for supper?"

"Not tonight, my friend. Perhaps next week."

"I see. Thank you for coming over, Jane."


"I will show you to the door."

Dr. Jekyll showed Mrs. Utterson out of her mansion, Mrs. Utterson smiled and walked down the gates, away from the mansion. Poole shut the door.

"Will that be all tonight, Mistress?" spoke the butler with a small smile. "Yes, Poole. Good night."

Poole bowed and left to his chambers.

"When this all began... I knew there would be a price..."

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Ms. HydeWhere stories live. Discover now