Daeron Dayne.

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Daeron Dayne is the son of Ser Arthur Dayne and Shaena Targaryen, now Arthur was the only son of his father and mother who wished for him to become Lord of Starfall after their passing but Arthurs heart wished to be something else............ he wished to serve in the King's Guard of Aerys II and after his passing in that of his closest friend Rhaegar Targaryen. Arrangements where made Arthur Dayne was allowed to serve in the King's Gaur and take his vow after his marriage to Princess Shaena Targaryen and she gave birth to their son. Because being such close friends to the Crown Prince did have it's bonusses now after Daeron's birth Arthur was not allowed to father any more children but Princess Sheana almost did not survive the birth of her only child so she was advised by the Maesters to never fall with child again...... as if the two where made for each other in a way? 

Now Daeron was born in the year 280 just a couple of months before the first child of Rhaegar and Ellia Martell, Rhaenys Targaryen..... the two children grew up together...... running around with Balerion the cat learning from the septa together or the young Rhaenys would even just watch Daeron running after his father for hours. And so, a union was made Rhaenys would wed Daeron Dayne when they would both be of age for it is normal within house Targaryen that blood related people wed another and even if Daeron does not carry the name Targaryen, he is still half a dragon. 

But all good things must come to an end even for Arthur Dayne and his little family...... when Rhaegar took Lyanna Stark and after the death of Rickard and Brandon Stark the Rebelion sparked. What could he do but to stand next to his brother? Not by blood no but by love he and Rhaegar had for each other. What else could he do but to fight for his son because he knew that if they would not win than his son who shares the Targaryen Blood may also have been put to the sword? 

And when Word came to Arthur of the sack of King's Landing and the battle of the Trident the man lost everything his wife.... the man he saw as his brother..... and his son and after the battle of the Tower of Joy he lost his life. But when where he joined his brother and wife in the afterlife one was missing...... one who was able to escape death in King's Landing and fled East. 

His son Daeron the rightful heir to the Iron Throne lived....... with Rhaegar and Aegon gone his little boy would one day be the Dragon? The Sword of the Morning or maybe the one who would transcent the Iron Throne. 

Daeron Dayne

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Daeron Dayne. 

Age 18 season 1 

Hair color: Silver/platinum. 

Eye Color: light lilac. 

Height: 6,1 

Rhaenys Targaryen

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Rhaenys Targaryen. 

Age 18 season 1. 

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown. 

Height: 5,5

Arhtur Dayne. 


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Sheana Targaryen. 


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Now this book will come I don't know........ but me and the patreons had a tie on one of the polls so leave your opinion behind.

The Dragon has three heads and well we could make them like a new Conquerer trio? With *cough* Dany.

Or Dany will not get involved with them like that they are family and act like that she accepts the claim Daeron has to the Iron Throne.

Also Family tree for those confused...... I think Daeron has more claim than Viserys since well Shaena was older than him? WHO KNOWS BECAUSE I DON"T but it's my story so xD <3

 I think Daeron has more claim than Viserys since well Shaena was older than him? WHO KNOWS BECAUSE I DON"T but it's my story so xD <3

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