Part 21

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Daeron's Pov, 

Some Day's Later, 

As the nice breeze flows through the air while the sun shines brightly I shake my head with a chuckle as Daenerys once again sits on her ass, she's been sparring with Ser Barristan for some days now or well she's getting her ass handed to her. 

We've been sailing for a couple of times now towards Starfall, the place that was my father's home for a long time and one day I would have been lord of it if Robert's rebellion did not happen. Now I sail there to march North for the Iron Throne.  I've sent word to Prince Doran Martell and said that I'm sailing West and would hope that he and his army will support my claim and meet me at Starfall..... I think they will, Rhaenys is their cousin, her mother was their sisters and I do truly think they've been waiting for the right time to take their revenge on the Lannister's for what they did and to be honest they are not the only ones. 

Seeing the girl get up again she start to swing for Ser Barristan with anger who just easily blocks her attacks before she one again lands on her ass and I need to step away to not loudly start to laugh. 

Making my way onto the top deck soon I almost fall forward as Drogon tries to land on my shoulder and i slam against the railing before a grunt leaves my lips. "You're too big you fat ass!" I say to the dragon who now lands on the railing and I swear to all the god's he has a smirk on his lips. 

"I hope your not speaking of me, Daeron." The voice of Rhaenys sats as she walks over and I quickly shake my head. "You? No never love." I say and she releases a hum as she moves to stand beside me while her eyes move to the horizon in front of us. 

"Did you ever think we would sail back?" She asks me and I to be honest? "The larger part of me did not, I always hoped we would be able to go back home."  I say honestly as I hold the railing. 

"And yes I know you always speak that home is a person and not a place, but I wish for our children to run around where we were able to run around. Where your father and my mother grew up." I add as she was about to open her mouth and was probably about to say that. 

"Children? You're going to war, we are not wed, so you are not allowed to talk about children." She says making a hum leave my lips as I move to stand behind her and push my front into her back while my arms wrap around her. 

"I'm going to war, when we arrive in Starfall I will wed you, and why am I not allowed to speak about children we've been practicing for years now." I lowly say as I start to kiss her neck. "I do not wish to one day tell our child that their father died fighting a war." She says as she moves to turn around in my hold. 


"No Daeron, we know what's it like to have to grow up without parents..... to live in exile. If you lose this war what do you think will happen to me or any of your children? You think they'll let them walk around? They'll try to hunt them down or worse like they did with my brother." She says as she pushes past me and I release a sigh. 

I did not mean to anger her or it's not even anger it's fear..... fear that if we have a child and I lose this war they would have to go through what we've been through.... what Daenerys and Viserys have been through. I get her fear, I truly do and maybe she's right maybe I should not speak of children when I'm sailing to go to war. 

Oberyn's Pov, 

"So he's sailing West?" 

"With 50,000 soldiers, real soldiers not boys who get a spear put in their hands." I say as I drink my wine and look at Ellaria. "And Dorne? What will your brother do." 

"He will call upon his banners." The voice of Doran says as he's being pushed into the chamber and I sit up. "You will call our banners?" I ask him with some surprise, my brother has always been the more docile one from us. 

"Our king is sailing west for revenge, and we will help him destroy the Lannister's and put the rightful king on the Iron Throne." He speaks with a fire I've never seen in him. "Daeron will arrive at Starfall in a full moon by that time I want our army there, ready to march North with him, so you have work to do Oberyn." He says and I quickly get up from the lounge seat. 

"We'll be there when he and his ships dock, and than we will show the Lannister's that we do not forget or forgive." 


Daeron's Pov, 

Opening the door of our room I stick my head in only to see Rhaenys in bed while Rhaegal sits on the desk beside her. "Is it safe for me or are you going to dracarys my ass off?" I ask her as well she can be scary when she's mad. 

"Wouldn't work anyway didn't you survive the fire." She mumbles with most likely and I slowly walk in before closing the door behind me. "I'm sorry, I should not have brought it up knowing that if I lose there may be a chance that our child will go through what we've been through... I did not mean to anger or sadden you." I say as I move to lay down beside her on my stomach. 

"It's just I love you and you love me, isn't a child a gift from our love?" I try as I move closer and closer towards her while once again she rolls her eyes at me. "You can try to charm your way into it Daeron but it's not as easy as you think it is, I can not stop you from going to war but I don't want our child to know grief, pain and anger like we do." She states and I nod move to lay between her legs as I rest my chin on her stomach. 

"I know, I will not bring it up anymore." I softly say as I give her my best puppy eyes. "Your to late for that." She mumbles and I let a frown settle on my face. "What? " 

"One of these day's I'm going to curse you to the hells, I am with child Daeron." She states and I wait what?! Looking between her eyes and her stomach I soon sit up back on my knees. "YOUR WITH CHILD?!" I practically yell at the top of my lungs. 

"You think people can fuck the amount of times we do and then not end up pregnant?" She says with a shake of her head as I pull her carefully to sit up. "I-I don't know? But your truly with child?" I ask her and she nods her head. "Two moons now." She softly says as she looks down and I take her chin in my hand as I lift her face up. 

"I will not die Rhaenys." 

"You can not promise that, your going to war against Westeros." 

"And I will always return to you, and our child."I say as I place one hand on her stomach with probably the biggest dumbest smile ever on my face! How can I not be happy she's having my child! I'M GOING TO BE A FATHER! 

"Do you wish for me to get you something? Some food? Water?" I ask her and she releases a breathless chuckle. "I wish for you to lay down and hold me." She says and I quickly lay down beside her as I open my arms and she lays her head on my chest. 

"You know I love you right."

"Your only saying that because your child is growing inside of me." She mumbles as I wrap my arms around her. "I always say that I love you, but that our child is growing inside of you makes it a tiny bit more."  I say before placing a kiss on the top of her head. 

"I love you too." She whispers as she leans up and places a kiss against my lips before laying her head down again. 

I'm going to be a father! 

Author's Note, 

Vote and Comment! 

Patr-=eoN The-Last-Wolf1998

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