Part 1

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Daeron's Pov, 

16 Years Later.

Blocking the incoming swing I let a grin appear on my face  I kick the man away from me and start to throw my own swings his way..... as he is having trouble blocking them all he swings for my head and I let myself fall on my knees before sending a hard punch against his knee making him fall down onto his before I hold the edge of my sword against his throat. 

Blocking his own sword with my dagger I raise my brow while we both take some heavy breaths, we've been sparring for hours. "You're getting old Ser." I say as he looks down at my sword before his eyes move towards the dagger that's blocking his sword. 

"Or I have trainend you to well, your grace." He counters as I put my weapons away and get up before holding my hand out for him that he takes. "Well only the student could beat the master don't you think?" I say as I pull him up with a shrug. 

"And why call me your grace..... you've well raised me there's almost nothing else we know than this life." I say as I motion my hand around at the small farm where we've been living for a long time. "Because you are the rightful heir to the Iron Throne. And one day you will see much more of this world, your grace." 

"We'll see a bigger farm?" I counter with a small grin making him shake his head with a chuckle. "I've been keeping you both save here for the last 16 years..... no moving around, not being on the run this has been our home." He says and well he does have a point I've heard of the Beggar King well who in Essos or Westeros has not heard of him he thinks his claim is bigger than mine since he carries the name Targaryen and I carry the name Dayne. But well, that's his opinion when it comes to the line of succession I have the claim, but he and his sister Daenerys have been on the run for many years while we have been here living.... learning and well I think making Ser Barristan wish to drown himself in the nearby creek. 

"What we do and where we go is up to you, your grace. I will follow you to the end of the world if that is what you wish." He says and I let a amused grin appear on my face. "So you forgive me for putting on your old set of armor?" I ask him as I turn my head in his direction. "Yes." He simply says as we walk into the farm and I let the amazing smell of food fill my nose as I walk over to Rhaenys and wrap my arms around her from behind. 

"Well hello beautiful." I say as I press a kiss on her cheek but she slightly pushes me away from her. "I'm making dinner Daeron,  not now." She says and I point at her while looking at Ser Barristan. "See what I have to put up with? Can't even show love to my future wife."  I say with a shake of my head while Rhaenys puts some food in some bowls. 

"Keep speaking and from now on you can make your own food." She says and I mock her voice while Balerion walks over and rubs his head against my leg. "Dracarys." I say as I point at Rhaenys who turns around with a raised brow while I hear some laughter leave Ser Barristan's lips. 

"It's a cat you idiot." 

"I am your king do not call me an idiot and you named him after the biggest dragon Westeros has ever seen." I counter with a raised brow as I take the bowl from her and take a seat. "I was three when I named him oke." She counters with a unfazed look on her face as she hands Ser Barristan an bowl before taking a seat herself. 

"I've heard some whispers." Rhaenys says as I start to eat this amazing chicken and I raise my brow at her. "That your going to marry the most amazing man in the lands?"  I say making her roll her eyes. 

"That Viserys is in Pentos and there is talk that he wishes to sell Daenerys off to a Khal for his army." She says and it takes me by surprise.... he would sell his sister off? Sure, people get betrothed to one another from young ages like me and Rhaenys but still we grew up together and all the jokes aside we do love another. 

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