Part 12.

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Daeron's Pov, 

3,5 Months Later. 

Riding at the front of the Khalasar I soon come to a stop on top of a mountain as I stare at the large and imposing city..... like wow just wow! I've never seen anything like this and maybe just the sight was worth the almost 7 months journey! 

"Yunkai The Yellow City." Ser Jorah speaks as he rides his horse next to mine and I give him a nod. "Because of its yellow stones..... but we are not here to admire the city..... we are here to gain an army." I speak as I turn around and look at the lage Khalasar behind me. 

"Set up camp! We do not raid! We do not rape! We do not pillage! Anyone who does not wish to obey my orders can leave only to never return again! You are Blood of my Blood but I will not allow these things anymore........ we will not rape! We will not put people in chains.... that is not our way!" I yell loudly as well that's what I wish and if they can not accept that they can leave I do not want that.... I never would have wished to do that to people. 

"Rakharo, Ser Barristan please ready 10 others I wish to enter the city and find the leaders of the Golden Company." I say to the man who gives me a small boy. "Your Grace." Ser Barristan says before he nudges his horse away with Rakharo following behind him. 

"And you two will stay here." I speak as I turn towards Rhaenys and Daenerys making my betrothed raise her brow at me. "You wish for me not to enter a city like this? I've never seen anything like it Daeron." She speaks and I shake my head. 

"I wish for you both to stay safe........ and until I know entering the city is safe you will both stay here." I say as her eyes meet mine. "I'm not joking Rhaenys you will stay here where a army stands between those who may wish to harm us in the city and you." 

"But you wish to put yourself in harms way?" Daenerys asks and what is this two against one? One Targaryen woman can be scary! I do not wish to go against two! "I won't put myself in harms way, I am a excellent fighter and Ser Barristan will keep me safe like he has done all those years.... Alright?" 

"If he is keeping you safe you won't mind if we come along." Rhaenys says before she nudges her horse away and I see Daenerys look between me and the back of Rhaenys. "Indeed, it is a beautiful city from here I wish to see it up-close." She says as she let's her horse move after Rhaenys's! 

"God's have mercy on me.... not one of them no I get two who wish to go against my orders." I mumble under my breath with a shake of my head as I let my eyes move after the two girls. 


"The Yunkai train bed slaves not soldiers, your grace." Ser Barristan speaks as we let our horses move towards the gates. "Then it is good we aren't here for Yunkai but for Harry Strickland....... but by the look of the closed gates, it does not see like the Yunkai would like to keep us out." I simply say as I lean forward over my horse and cross my arms over each other. 

Looking up I see many on the walls and I raise my brow......... "Anyone know Valyrian beside Rhaenys?" I ask as I look around me and Daenerys gives me a nod. "See I told you... you should have listened to my lessons!" 

"Your lessons where shit, Rhaenys." I counter and she shakes her head at me. Like she knows Valyrian since she was able to go into the village and most of Essos speaks that language she tried to teach me and well she's a shit teacher, so I gave up or well I think we both gave up on the other. 

"Could you please translate for me?" I ask Daenerys who once again gives me a nod. "And with passion please dear aunt." I say as I nudge my horse forward and let it trot back and forward across the gate. 

"My name is Daeron Dayne! Son of Artur Dayne Sword of the Morning and Shaena Targaryen! Rightful king of Westeros!  The Blood of Old Valyria flows through my veins and I wish to speak with Harry Strickland and tell your slave masters if they do not let me into the city I will receive them in my camp! And to my advice I would not turn us away................... those with Valyrian blood have conquered these lands before." I say as Daenerys translates it before with the end she turns towards me, and I give her a nod making her yell the last part before we turn around and ride away again. 

They won't open the gates fine than they can meet me in my camp on my terms.... I get the Dothraki have a reputation and most wont let them in their cities but buy them off with slaves and gold to make them turn around again. But my Khalasar will not be like how the others where, we will make a difference. I will get these people to follow me, I will get them home but under my conditions............ I will not let things happend that happened when they took King's Landing. 

"You think they will show?" Daenerys asks me and I give her a nod. "Indeed, I do.... even if it's just to look upon the last of House Targaryen. Robert may wish us dead but here in Essos I think some may more see us as an exotic animal the last of its kind.  They are intrigued by us and maybe even hope that we will think of them when we sit on the Iron Throne again." I simply say as I briefly look at her. 

"Sometimes I'm glad I look like my mother and not my father." Rhaenys says and It makes me chuckle. "I also look like my mother and not my father." I add and she now rolls her eyes at me. "You know what I mean Daeron..... If I wished to leave this all behind me I could........ I could live a life here in Essos with a new name. The both of you will not have it as easy as me with that regard, there are still places where the Blood Of Valyria like Lys but people may always know who you both are. I could have even started a new life in Dorne if I wished it." She speaks and I now raise my brow. 

"Is that what you wish? To leave and start anew somewhere?" 

"No Dearon that is not what I say, all I speak off is that your face, your hair and your eyes may always bring interest from people even if you would give them a false name." She says and I release a small sigh. "And if I would have looked like my father? If I could take a false name and we could leave it all behind, would you?" I ask her and she turns her head in my direction. 

"To step away from Westeros and The Iron Throne? I do not know........... if we go into a war we can not win and lose our lives to it what was the worth in it then?" 

"That we fought for what is ours, that we fought to bring those on their knees who gave the order to smash your brothers head in only to them rape your mother, to those who raped my mother before taking her head from her shoulders, and where ready to kill the both of us when we were infants. I would give every drop of blood in my veins to not get my revenge but justice for what they've done!" I say before galloping away from them. 

Even the farm life can not keep one away from whispers.... whispers of what have been done to my mother, to her mother and brother.... to our family. My grandfather was called the Mad King for a reason maybe he deserved death but the things that happened to his family did not have to happen.... they could have locked us all up those with the Targaryen name.... with close blood bonds but they wanted to rid the world of us. If murder was all maybe my heart would not burn fiercer whenever I think of that night..... but it was not only murder, they raped them, they raped my mother and they raped Rhaenys's mother.... they smashed little Aegon's head in so many times that if it were not for his silver hair they would not have reconvinced the child and there are truth to those words otherwise they would not have traveled so far across the Narrow Sea. 

Author's Note, 

Vote and Comment! <3

P-=aTre-=on The-Last-Wolf1998

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