Part 8

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Daeron's Pov, 

Some weeks Later. 

"Was your father a great Warrior?" Rakharo asks me as I sharpen my sword while we sit outside some tents together, he's been learning the common tongue more and I've been learning the Dothraki language it's a harsh language but well I'm making progress? I think? I hope? 

We've been traveling and let me tell you Horse meat well you got to love it..... but like Ser Jorah said there are two things the Dothraki have plenty off.... grass and horses. I try to adjust things to how they live.... just like in return they try to I think understand us more or well Rakharo is one of the people who's been really curios about things. 

"The greatest. My father was the Sword of the Morning." I say and he looks like he doesn't understand shit of that. "We have a family sword...... only few can carry it the person who can is called The Sword of the Morning." 

"Only great warriors  able to wield that sword. "  I add In Dothraki and he raises his brow. "Why can only some have that sword?"  He asks me and I shrug my shoulders, I don't know how one is chosen to become the Sword of The Morning it's not like I had my father to teach me it. 

"I do not know." 


Walking into the tent I see Rhaenys sitting on the bed? Fur pile I don't know it's a bed for now and I make my way over to her before sitting down. "Where have you been?" She asks as I take my jacket and shirt off before letting them fall on the ground. 

"With Rakharo speaking of his father who taught him and was a Blood Rider for Khal Bharbo. Talking about my father or well the things I know about him." I say as I start taking my boots off and she turns in my direction. 

"I know another great warrior." She speaks and I nod my head. "Well yes Rhaegar was also a good warrior Ser Barristan said out of the three tourneys he and my father fought against each other your father won two of them." I say as I get up again and start to take my trousers off, I am tired and could sleep for hours. 

"True but I was not talking off him, I was talking of you. You fought against a Khal and his Blood riders and somehow lived to tell the tale." She says as I get into the bed and she is quick to lay her head on my chest as her hand wraps around my stomach. 

"Well thank you, why are you being so nice. Wait you got into trouble didn't you." I say as I turn my head to look at her with a raised brow and she slaps my chest. "I did not get in trouble, it's just I don't know everything is changing now....... who knows maybe soon you'll be king." She says with a chuckle and i bite her cheek softly making her slap me while I move to hover over her. 

"Don't slap me." 

"Then you don't bite me!" She counters and I lean down before kissing her lips, as she kisses me back I feel her hand move down my body and I let one of my hands move her dress to the side as it moves towards her breast. 

Feeling her hand move to grab my cock I groan into the kiss before she moans as I pull her nipple making a grin appear on my face as I pull my head away and let our eyes meet. "What do you want, love." I softly say as her hand starts to jerk me off while her eyes search mind. 

"For you to make me feel good." She breaths out before she slams us around and straddles my lap making me quickly sit up as I help her take her nightgown off before throwing it somewhere into the tent. 

"Don't I always make you feel good." I say as I let my lips move over her chest and leave open mouthed kisses along her skin. "You make my head hurt many more times." She counters as she starts to grind down on me and I feel her wet folds move over my cock that's getting harder and harder with the moment. 

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