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Ser Barristan's Pov. 

I will fight for my king and I would die for my king as are my Vow's, but he should have never opened the gates for Tywin Lannister, once they were friends and now, he is sacking the city..... we do not hold the men to keep the Lannister Army out. 

Once they were friends but the King he fell with a illness he is not the man we once knew.......... and Tywin Lannister there is only one thing he craves like it's the air that needs to fill his lungs and that is power. 

 "Stay with the King!" I say to Jaime Lannister as I hear the loud sounds of a army coming closer and closer while I start to run through the Red Keep as I make my way out of the Throne Room and start to run up the set off stairs. The children are still here the little children........ Aegon, Rhaenys and Daeron Dayne.  Princess Ellia Martell and Shaena are still here, King Aerys did not let them leave he kept them here in King's Landing even if I think anywhere but here would have been saver for them at this moment. 

Hearing the angry mob break through the doors my eyes widen as I start to run even faster until I crash into another person making my eyes widen. "Princess..... we need to leave now...... the city has fallen!" I say as I come face to face with Princes Shaena who holds her son against her chest. "You swore to protect the King and his blood.... Ser Barristan please keep him save." She says as she pushes the small child in my hands who starts to struggle in my hold to get back to his mother. 

"Princes we need to leave now!" I say as I hear the fight break lose below is I would die for my king and his blood..... and Prince Rhaegar has ordered me to keep the children save..... that's why he sent me away that day on the Trident when he knew we were losing the battle. He died that day..... I could not keep him save....... and on this day I cannot keep the King save but I can save their blood....... I can save the children who have done nothing wrong in this war and I know Robbert and Tywin will put them all to the sword for the blood that they hold. 

"Where is Princess Ellia with Aegon and Rhaenys!?" I ask her as we start to move down the hallway towards the chambers.  "He has moved them to... to Maegor's Holdfast!" She yells as she grabs my arm and pulls me to a stop. "W-we can not reach them Ser Barristan...... please I beg of you keep him save." She says before I hear a set of feet running our way making me turn around to see Princes Rhaenys run our way with tears in her eyes and the small kitten Balerion in her arms?! 

"I will take them to Starfall, Prince-" 

"No you can not! We have lost Ser Barristan! Rhaegar and my father did this......... the king will fall..... we will fall..... Aegon will fall like Rhaegar.... but take them..... teach him who he is who his father was...... tell him that he is the rightful heir to the Iron Throne no matter who in the morning sits on the Iron Throne....... I beg of you." She pleads me with tears in her eyes as she picks of Rhaenys and hands her to me while more footsteps are coming closer and closer while I let my eyes quickly dart between the children and the princes..... she is right House Targaryen will fall they are in the Red Keep...... I can not get to Ellia Martell and the little Aegon but I can do anything in my power to take Daeron and Rhaenys to safety or I will fight to my last breath trying. 

"Come with me Princess please." 

"Mama!" Daeron yells as he tries to get out of my hold, and she leans down and runs her hand through the silver locks of her son. "I love you so much my little prince............. be brave...... and be strong because mama and papa will always stay with you............. even if you can't see us anymore." She says as she leans down and places a kiss on the top of his head before pulling my second sword of it's sheet and running past me while I let my eyes follow after her. 

"Run!" She yells and I let my eyes dart between the hallway and where she is standing on the top of the stairs with the sword in hand. "Please Ser Barristan!" She yells and I start to run away with the two crying and hysterical children in my arms. 

Running around a corner I do not even know how to get out of the Red Keep at this moment! How can I smuggle two children out without anyone seeing me?! 

"No mama!" Daeron yells as he kicks my chest plate but I just hold him tighter against me as I run around another corner before I see Lord Varys there with a torch. 

"Follow me Ser!" He says as he pulls a banner away and my eyes slightly widen at the opening there. "Now, if you want them to live!" He says as he walks in and I am quick to follow after him as I see a set of stairs come into view! Why did none know of these, we could have gotten them all out! 

"The other's we can sti-" 

"They are dead Ser! Jaime Lannister just put his sword to King Aerys............. Ellia Martell and her son Aegon are in Maegor's Holdfast. We need to go now Ser Barristan if you want them to live." He says as he pushes the whole close again and Ser Jaime...... he killed the king he vowed to serve? The king is dead...... killed by his own King's Guard. 

"W-where do I take them?" I ask Lord Varys as we make our way quickly down the stairs while even now in here I can hear the sounds of the fight inside and outside of the castle fill my ears..... the screams..... the swords clashing..... the smell of blood that fills my nose but the most heartbreaking sounds at this moment are the silent sobs of Princess Rhaenys and the pleads of Prince Daeron for his mother...... who he will never see again. Even if she knew of this tunnel, she would have fought to give us as much time she could....... she would have given her life 10000000 times for that of her son. 

"East...... there's a small ship...... they will take you East Ser Barristan." He says as we reach what looks to be a stone door and pushes it open before slowly moving his head out while he holds his hand up to keep me back. 

"Follow me quick." He says and I am quick to make my way after him as we walk on the beach right now? We are out of the Red Keep and now behind it as Black Bay lays in front of us...... we may survive this yet..... not all of us..... not King Aerys.... Prince Rhaegar his wife Ellia or their son Aegon...... not princes Sheana or her husband Arthur who is still fighting on orders of Prince Rhaegar...... Queen Rhaella is with Prince Viserys at Dragon Stone and I wish they can also make their way out when news comes to them of what happened here today..... that now all is lost..... but I will make sure on my last breath that Prince Daeron and Princes Rhaenys will be safe.

Seeing a small rowboat and a small galley I am quick to place the children in it while Rhaenys holds the kitten Balerion for dear life at this moment with tears leaving her eyes. "Here take this and protect them with your life Ser." Lord Varys says as he hands me a bag and I am quick to put it away. 

"The new King will send assassins Ser Barristan he will not rest until all with the Targaryen blood are dead and Prince Daeron and Prince Viserys are the two with the most claim to the Iron Th-" He starts before it's cut off by Daeron. 

"No mama!" He yells as he runs out the boat and I am quick to run after him as I pick him up again while he tries to pry my hands of while kicking in all the directions he can. "It's going to be alright, my prince." I say as I move to the rowboat and place him in it before I start to push it further into the water. 

 As the water reaches my hips I climb in the boat and grab the rowing paddles before I start to paddle us as quickly as I can away from King's Landing. 

"It's going to be oke....... I will protect you." I say to the two crying children while I have tears in my own eyes at this moment..... how could this have happened? 

Author's Note, 

The prologue of the story, Ser Barristan was In king's Landing and saved the two little children while Ellia Martell and Aegon where stuck in Maegor's Holdfast. Now some might be like but why didn't Princes Shaena go with them because she knew that if it came down to a fight outside of the Red Keep Ser Barristan would slay them all...... she sacrificed herself to give him with Daeron and Rhaenys as much time as she could! 

It also says why the 4 children aren't together Ser Barristan went East with them before Dragon Stone fell....... and in all honesty I don't think it would be good if he had to keep 4 Targaryen children save and under the radar xD 

Leave behind a vote and comment! Like said before I don't know when this comes out but well the more love the more it makes me want to write it xD 

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