Part 14

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Daeron's Pov, 

Who did he mean with faces from the past well in all my honesty there are probably many who know who we are and may have seen us when we were children but that does not mean I can remember them. 

"Who do you think he was speaking off?" I ask the people behind me who shrug their shoulders. "I think only time will tell, your grace." Ser Barristan speaks and I give him a small nod.

"They laughed at Viserys and yet they bend the knee to you in a matter of minutes." Daenerys says in some disbelief and I well she does have a point. "Didn't he say they already had their answer when they knew you were at the gates? And that you fought them before they found you......... maybe they've been looking for you for a long time." Rhaenys says and well yes he did speak those words. 

"Barristan did keep us pretty well hidden......... don't you think?" I say and the man shrugs his shoulders. "Clearly he did but still if they truly bend the knee to you.... your army now is almost as big at those of the smaller kingdoms, your grace." Jorah says and I take a deep breath. 

"Than I guess for now all we can do is wait........ wait and see who Harry comes back with, who the faces from the past are. Rakharo make sure the Dotrhaki behave please if everything goes well we strenghten the army to make sure we will succeed in Westeros." I say to them before turning towards Rakharo. 

"I will." He says before walking out of the tent while I move to sit down on the sofa again as I run my hand down my face. "You don't seem happy." Rhaenys says and I shake my head. "It's not that it's just I wish to know who he speaks off so many people have seen us when we where infants and yet we don't remember them............ faces from the pasts maybe they will haunt us like we've haunted them for all these years. If it made the choice for Harry Strickland so easy than there most be a few who have been waiting for us to show ourselves after all these years...... those who would rather follow us than Viserys." I say as I look at her and she walks over to me before taking my chin in her hand and pecking my lips. 


"Stop worrying, everything will work out fine." 


Sitting on the bed with the black egg in my hand I release a sigh..... we've been waiting for hours night has already fallen and yet no movement has come our way from Yunkai I do think it takes some time for Harry to gather all his 20,000 men but still it didn't stop my mind from wondering in every possible way it could. Are the faces from the past good, or will they cut my throat the second they come close enough I think there are some who would kill me even if that would mean they will die themselves. 

"I can hear your thinking from over here." Rhaenys says as she and Daenerys also walk into the tent with the two dragon eggs in hand. "Thinking off your beauty." I say before letting myself fall back on the animal skins and furs with a sigh.

"If that leaves your lips after you think of my bea-" She teasingly starts before I cut her off. "I think your the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on." I simply say as I cut her off while my eyes stare at the ceiling.

"So you don't think Daenerys is beautiful?" She asks and I sit up with my best wtf look on my face..... she wishes for me to speak of another womans beauty? "I think Daenerys is beautiful yes, why do you ask." I say and she shrugs her shoulders. 

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