Part 9.

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Daeron's Pov, 

Some Days Later, 

Looking at the black egg again I tilt my head to the side, maybe if I was born a long time ago I could have had my own dragon. I have the Targaryen blood, maybe I would have been the Sword of the Morning...... or imagine The Sword of the Morning who's a Dragon Rider. I would not have wished to mess with that man but the Dragons are gone..... and I don't know how to become Worthy for the sword Dawn. Like is it a show of bravery? Is it knowing some skills or does the sword choose if you are worthy? Or does it not hold any special powers at all and it's just a sword? 

"They are beautiful don't you think." A voice says and it pulls me out of my thoughts as I turn around and see Daenerys walks into her tent. "They are....... I am sorry for walking into your tent." I say apologetically and she shakes her head with a small smile. 

"It's alright, I like to look at them too. Wonder what could have happened if time did not turn them to stone, what they would have looked like, if I would have been a rider like my ancestors." She says as she let's her finger move over the scales of the green egg before she picks it up. 

"Well Aegon Conquered with three dragons, if your eggs would have hatched and you have three riders you could conquer as well." I speak with a shrug as I take the black egg in my hands, from the three eggs I feel most connected with this one even if that sounds stupid since it's turnend to stone. 

"You and Viserys have the most claim to the Iron Throne, if you were both to pass it would go down to Rhaenys I am the last in this linn of succession. " She speaks and I turn in her direction with a raised brown. "Plotting for our deaths now are you, aunt." I teasingly say and she shakes her head quickly with slight wide eyes. "N-no... no that is not what I meant." She quickly says and it pulls a chuckle from my lips. 

"Don't worry I am not Viserys or The Dragon how he likes to call himself. You wish to see him on the Iron Throne." I say and she let's her violet eyes meet mine. " No. But the common people are waiting for him. Illyrio said they're sewing dragon banners and praying for his return." She says and I can't stop the laughs that leaves my lips. 

"I do not know much Daenerys only what I've read in the few books Ser Barristan gave us or what he told us about Westeros, but I think that the common people pray for rain, health and a summer that never ends. They don't care what games the high Lords play." I speak with honesty as well that is what I think. 

"What do you pray for Daeron?" 

"Revenge and home." I say as well that is what I want.... to go back where I was born, where me and Rhaenys used to run around the halls, where my mother and father used to hold me. And to bring those who wronged them down on their knees while they will beg for mercy. 

"I pray for home too. My brother will never take back the Seven Kingdoms. He couldn't lead an army even if Khal Drogo would have given him one. He'll never take us home."  She says as she lays the egg back in the flames and I do the same with the one I was holding before taking her hands in mine. 

"Then I will promise you.... that I will take you home Daenerys." 


"I am the dragon! You swore me your loyalty!" I hear Viserys yell and I roll me eyes as I soon see Ser Jorah walk out of the tent. "He sounds more like a whining pup." I say with a shake of my head. 

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