Part 17

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Oberyn's Martell Pov, 

A Fortnight Later, 

Walking into the gardens I seek my older Brother, I think by now every lord in Westeros has heard who's roaming around in Essos and gaining more and more men for his army. I've heard he defeated a Khal and his Blood riders. Manu would never live to tell the tale if they challenge a Khal and yet this boy defeated them.  Now a good part of that Khalasar has started to follow Daeron, who is getting ready to sail back to Westeros to avenge his parents, his aunt, his family and Dorne will support him. Before the sack of King's Landing we had an army with only 25,000/ 30,000 men now we've got 60,000...... we are ready for war. All we've been waiting for is our King and His Queen, little Rhaenys. 

I remember them as children she looked like her mother.... my dear sister Ellia. And where Daeron was, she would follow him. We can never repay Ser Barristan for what he did that night...... Arthur was a friend..... we've met dozens of times when we were young boy  he was always so serious........ but the best Swordsman Westeros had ever seen. Something I know he passed to his son. 

Seeing Doran sit at his usual spot I make my way over to him. "You seem in a hurry." He says and I put the roll down in front of him making him take it before looking it over. 

"I know who lays East Oberyn, everyone does." He simply speaks as he puts the roll down again. "When do you wish to rally the banners, this..... this is what we've been waiting for Doran. Soon he will set sail for Dorne you know it..... I know it." I say as I point at the roll. 

"You speak of dragging us all into a wa-" 

"I speak of following Daeron Dayne! The son of Ser Arthur Dayne and Seanna Targaryen...... the husband of our niece! Have you forgotten her? Have you forgotten that her mother was our sister and what they've done to them all..... what do you think would hav-" 

"We do not hold enough men to go into a full on war with Westeros following a boy, Oberyn" He counters as he cuts me off and I release a scoff at his words. "We are sworn to them, by more than just blood.  This boy has now 20,000 Dothraki Screamers behind him, have you ever seen Dothraki fight?! They kill for fun. And they speak of the Golden Company siding with him. " 

"Something you both have in common then." He says and I shake my head as I look at my older brother, we've waited years for this and now he wishes to not act? Who am I kidding he should have avenged our sister years ago and yet he was afraid to start a war. 

"There are more who will flock to his side............. when Daeron Dayne lands on these shores with our niece Princes Rhaenys we will fight with them." I say before walking away from him. 

Daeron's Pov, 

Walking onto the port I look at the many ships....... seems like the Yunkai indeed rather will see us go away than stay here...... can't blame them.  The men have been getting on them, the ships of the Golden Company and those the people of Yunkai have so generously  gifted us will be enough now we sail for Astaphor and see if we can buy the unsullied we still have place for 15,000 on those ships because the Yunkai have gifted us more than asked for looks like they never wish to see us return...... and I hope I never will have to return. 

When we set sail today....... I wish to see Astaphor and then I want to see the lands I was born, I wish to see Dorne, Starfall.......... I wish to go home. 

"You seem lost in thoughts." The voice of Rhaenys says as she walks next to me and I give her a small smile. "Soon we will be sailing home." I say and she releases a chuckle. 

"Home isn't a place for me Daeron, people make a home." She says and I let a grin appear on my face. "Ow and who is your home?" 

"I've grown quite fond of Ser Barristan after all these years, Daenerys and I we've been getting close these past months and well Rhaega-" She starts before she's cut off by me as I place my hands on her hips and pull her closer to me. 

"Am I not your home? "

"I will have to think about that." She says before pulling away and walking onto the ship making a chuckle leave my lips before I look towards the many sails. I've spoken with Rhaenys, Barristan, Ashara, Jon and Daenerys...... I do not wish to carry one name over the other. 

Not Daeron of House Dayne or Daeron of House Targaryen I wish to honor both of my parents and their names...... to bring Honor to both houses. 

So from this day I will be known as Daeron of the Houses Dayne and Targaryen..... and the sails carry both sigils in honor of that. My children will carry that name House Dayne and House Targaryen will live on, that is if I succeed. I must succeed not only for me, for Daenerys, Rhaenys, Ellia, Rhaegar, My parents, my grandparents, even Viserys and all those who came before us and those who will come after us. 

"The Last time I was on a ship..... it was to take you both out of King's Landing and far away from Westeros." Ser Barristan says and I nod my head. "We sail for Astaphor and you know after that Ser Barristan?" 

"What after that, Your grace." 

"You will be there to take us home again." I say as I give his shoulder a squeeze before making my way onto the ship slowly as I hear his steps behind me. 


Overlooking the ocean with the many and I mean many ships around us Drogon its on the railing as I lay another piece of meat down in front of him. "They are growing." Daenerys says as she places Viserion down also on the railing and he's slightly smaller than Drogon. 

"They are but it will take years before they will be the size for us to ride." I say as I give her a small smile. "Maybe, what do you think Viserys would have done if he had three dragons." She says and I can't stop the chuckle that left me. 

"Viserys would not have the patience to see them grow, many will see Dragons as weapons but for now I wish to see them grow and wait till one day they fly over the lands again." I say as I look back towards Drogon who are the piece of meat that he burned himself. 

"I have no desire to rule over ashes, something I think would not have mattered to Viserys he would rule even if it cost him everything in this world." I continue as I place another piece of meat down and Drogon starts to burn it with his dark almost black like flame before he eats it. 

"He changed from the boy I once knew, first he was sweet and caring but it all changed the more days went by." She breaths out as she pets the small dragon she named after her brother, she did hold love for him why else would she name her dragon after him....... but people change. 

"What we've all been through changes people Daenerys, maybe none of us would have been like we are now if we grew up in King's Landing............ me and Rhaenys could have ran through the Red Keep and with some years you could have joined us, our mothers and fathers could have seen us grow up and teach what they knew....... that didn't happen and the blame lies with maybe them, Maybe with Rhaegar for taking Lyanna Stark.... maybe for King Aerys for not granting the Starks request and him ordering his death as well at that of Eddard Stark and Robbert Baratheon. Maybe the blame lays with the lords who went against their king, it doesn't matter now. It happened and there are three left who wish to go home............and we will do it." I speak as I let her violet eyes meet mine. 


"If needed With Fire and Blood." 

Author's Note, 

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P-=Atr-=Eon The-Last-Wolf1998

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