Part 19

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Daeron's Pov, 

Walking along the shoreline parapet I take a deep breath. Slavery one of the most disgusting flaws humans have and yet what can I change about it? I can kill the slave masters here and yet than all the others of Essos will send their fighting men to kill me. 

Seeing the lines of tortured slaves I shake my head, it's cruel, it's vile and it's disgusting but I can not fight a war on two fronts..... I don't hold the men for that, I don't hold the ships for that. Even if I wish I can change things here is Essos my home is Westeros and I need to return to it. 

"The Walk of Punishment is a warning, Your Grace." Ser Barristan says and I nod my head. "To who?" 

"Anyone who wishes to do what these slaves did." I breathe out while Daenerys and Rhaenys look around in almost shock by what they see at this moment. "Give me your water." Daenerys says as she looks towards Ser Jorah. 

"Khaleesi, this man has been sentenced to death." 

As he hands her his water she walks up to the bloodied man who just refuses to drink, they break these people break them and then earn money off of them, they use and abuse them. 

"Innocent people die whatever it's in slavery or in war." I breathe out as Daenerys steps away from the man and hand Jorah his water back. " How many wars have you fought in, Ser Barristan?" 


"Have you ever seen a war where innocents didn't die by the thousands?" Ser Jorah adds and the older knight shakes his head. 

"I was in King's Landing after the sack, khaleesi. You know what I saw? Butchery. Babies, children, old men. More women raped than you can count. There's a beast in every man and it stirs when you put a sword in his hand. But the Unsullied are not men. They do not rape. They do not put cities to the sword unless they're ordered to do so. If you buy them, the only men they'll kill are those you want dead." He says and I see a frown settle on Rhaenys's face. 

"When your brother Rhaegar led his army into battle at the Trident, men died for him because they believed in him, because they loved him, not because they'd been bought at a slaver's auction. I fought beside the last dragon on that day, Your Grace. I bled beside him. The Dothraki and the Golden Company chose to follow you your grace, you do not have to buy their loyalties." Ser Barristan says and I lick my lips. 

"Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, and Rhaegar died." 

"Did you know him well Ser Barristan?" Daenerys asks the man as we just keep walking while I move more towards Rhaenys and give her a soft smile. 

"I did, Your Grace. One of the finest man I ever met." He says as I look towards the large round with a huge golden statue on top of it? It looks like we've arrived. 

" I wish I had known him. But he was not the last dragon." 


" All? Did this one's ears mishear, Your Grace?" The slave girl speaks after I've just told them I wish to buy all of the unsullied. "They did not. I want to buy them all." Hearing her translate it soon the man speaks back and I raise my bow as they sit on a raised platform. 

"There are eight thousand Unsullied in Astapor. Is this what you mean by all?" She asks and I nod my head. "And those in training." Daenerys adds quickly as she steps next to me and alright? 

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