Part 16

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Daeron's Pov, 

The Next Day, 

Nudging my horse towards the gate of Yunkai while Ser Barristan, Jorah, Jon, Rhaenys, Daenerys and Harry with some other riders are behind me I soon see the gates open making me raise my brow. 

Surprised they opened it while there's a 40,000 men army about 700 yards behind me. Noticing the man, I've spoken with already stand there including many and I mean many more people I let my horse step over to him. 

"I think you would rather see me and my army go away from your gates than have you wonder about if and when we will try to attack.......... now I can attack and most likely take the city since you've lost the Golden Company and I think your slave soldiers would rather die than fight real soldiers for you...... so give me enough ships to sail to Astaphor with my men and their horses, and you'll have my word we will never return to Yunkai before you would pay the Dothraki off with gifts and slaves, I have no wish to own slaves all I wish is ships to leave these lands and go back to mine." I say as I look the man up and down. 

"You speak of hundreds of ships." He says with slight wide eyes and I give him a nod. "That you have and can miss, so give me enough ships and we will leave. You have till the morning to decide." I say before turning my horse around and galloping away from him and the city behind me. 

Would I attack the city to gain what I wish? I do not know it would be stupid of them to not gift me what I ask, all these cities have been paying off the Dothraki to not attack. Daenerys said Khal Drogo even had a large Villa in Pentos! Now who would give a villa to the leader of nomadic Warriors?! Doesn't make sense in my opinion not like he's going to be spending a lot of time there well to be honest he's not spending time anywhere since I killed him. So much has happend these last months sometimes it's like a dream I have to still wake up from and I don't know the ending, will it be a good one or will it turn out to be one big nightmare. 

Found Daenerys with Viserys as the man he sold his daughter too was raiding the nearby village and his men were trying to take Rhaenys from me, now Khal Drogo and his blood riders are dead while part of his Khalasar now follows me. 

Viserys is not the boy that I know used to run with me and Rhaenys through the Red Keep he was a couple years older but still we've all changed some for good others for worse. In the end he was his own worst enemy and his death can be blamed on none but only Viserys himself. 

People from the past have shown their faces again, my aunt Ashara she lives and has been in Essos with Jon Connigton searching for me. I thought she was dead, I think we all thought she was dead I've seen the glances Ser Barristan throws her way. She held me as a little boy, she grew up with my Father. 

And Jon was a close friend of Rhaegar and my Father, he was Hand of King Aerys who exiled the man when he lost the Battle of The Bells. Some belief if Jon would have won the battle the whole Rebellion would not have happened. 

I think that House Targaryen would have fallen any way......... I know of the Madness that overtook my grandfather and others before him. I think one way or another The High Lords of Westeros one day would have had enough and rallied their banners. A part of me wished it would happend many years from now, that I could have grown up with my parents me and Rhaenys could have kept running through the halls of The Red Keep with Ballerion for many more years, that this.......... this weight wasn't on my shoulders. 

Before some might have sided with Viserys and name him the true heir while others would have sided with me. Now I'm the last man who could maybe carry the name Targaryen, I could step away from my fathers name and carry the Targaryen one...... There is another man who carries the name Dayne and I'm not sure if I would wish my father's name to carry through Dark Star. Ser Barristan said he is the Knight of House Dayne of High Hermitage, once there where more even there who carried the name Dayne now there are only two males left who carry it. And I've been told he's more poison than a viper is, one day my second born son will have Starfall something that is now mine and In all these years I've only been there when I was to young to now remember what It looked like. I can't even remember the Red Keep anymore, sometimes in my dream I think I see me and Rhaenys running through this great room with a Throne made out of swords while Dragon Skulls lead the path towards it, maybe it's what it looked like back than....... maybe it's just a dream. 


Overlooking the hundreds or more like thousands of tents while the torches light it up I release a sigh as I feel Drogon nudge his head against my hand. Looking down I give him a tiny smile before I hold my arm out and he climbs on it before settling on my shoulder. 

"A King should not be alone." I hear a female voice and I look over my shoulder before I see Ashara slowly walk my way before she takes a seat next to me. "I am not alone." I say as I motion at Drogon and her. 

"A dragon the size of a small cat, I'm terrified." She says and it pulls the tiniest of chuckles from my lips before looking back towards the camp. "Your army is growing." 

"I never wished this." I am quick to respond as I lay my arms on my knees while my feet are flat on the ground. "You were born to lead anyway.......... just like your father." 

"And yet my father never was Lord of Starfall now was he? He chose his own destiny, he chose to become a King's Guard, what choice did I ever had in my life?" I almost bite her way making Drogon flap his wings as he screeches at her and I release a sigh. 

"You could have gone where there are more with your hair, with your eyes and walked away from it all." She says making me bite my lip, maybe? If I truly wished to step away from all of this I could have gone to Lys with the large back of diamonds Ser Barristan had for years and start a new life. 

"How can I step away from what was done to us, look down below us there are 40,000 warriors who wish to follow me. In Dorne there are about 50,000 more waiting for me..... waiting for me to drag them into a war to avenge Elia Martell and little Aegon, to avenge my mother and my father..... stepping away is like spitting on their graves." I say as I get up with some anger as my eyes harden and I notice Drogon also get more agitated on my shoulder. 

"Don't speak to me as if I don't know what it's like to lose those you love, a brother, a sister, a child. I've known grief Daeron." She says as I notice her get up from the corner of my eye. 

"They could also be hot tempered, something you got from them." She says with a small chuckle, and I shake my head. "Wouldn't know, I barely remember the faces of my own mother and father." I lowly say as my eyes are fixated on the camp down below. 

"Sometimes I dream off them and when I wake up I can't answer myself that they look like the ones in my dream or not... if they are just two people I made up in my head and nothing more than that." I continue as I run my hand through my hair. 

"Your mother was kid, giving but also strong and would fight for those she loved. She would have given her life a million times to safe yours. Your father well he was a serios man always sparring to become better and better, he was smart and knew how to command troops. But behind those things was a kind and gentle man who had a weird taste for humor and loved with whole his heart and would have slayed armies to get to his loved ones. Something I've been heard you've got.... fighting a Dothraki Khal and his blood riders to save the woman you love." She begins as she steps closer to me. 

"We may have lost them, but they live in you Daeron and even if we can't see them anymore that doesn't mean they aren't with us every step of the way." She says with a kind smile and I give her a small nod. 

"I'm sorry for losing m-" 

"No your not, and it's alright we don't all have dragons blood coursing through our veins. Don't apologize for speaking your mind even if they are with words of anger." She says as she cuts me off and it makes a small smile grow on my face. 

"I'm glad your here." 

"And I'm glad to be here.... now come on before Rhaenys and Ser Barristan start a search party for you." 

Author's Note, 

Vote and Comment! 

Pa-Tr-=Eon The-Last-Wolf1998 if you want to read ahead, know what's coming in the future and vote and events that may happen in the books! 

Also the new schedule! 

Monday: The Golden Stag once finished the Prince of Thorns. 

Tuesday: The Fierce Falcon. 

Wednesday: Sword of the Morning. 

Thursday: The True Valyrian Dragon. 

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