Advik-Advait-rohit and ict

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Mahi found both of them very cute then they went Advik sneeze an he looked at virat who went to him and give handkerchief and said,

Virat:- god bless you baby.......

Advik smiled and advait came towards him and said,

Advait:- what about me mumma:(

Virat smiled at his baby's cuteness and said god bless you too him too then they both went to Rahul and about to touch his feet but virat stopped them and said to shake hand with him they did then hardik who also shook him hands with them .

Virat's nervousness fade away by time and last person was rohit they meet with him and shook their hands with him ,

Others younger players really want to hold them in their arms but they didn't because they thought virat don't like it everyone was so amazed by both Advik and advait's cuteness....
Mahi bhai couldn't hold his curiosity and asked kids ,

Mahi bhai:- apki mummy kaha hai ....

He asked in Hindi which both of them didn't understand and looked at virat and abd but before they both could say anything maxwell said,

Maxwell :- they don't understand Hindi they were always lived in South Africa so it's hard for them of understand Hindi now we have always talked with them in English so that they don't have any problem in future they understand some words in Hindi but for them it's hard for now ...

He explained mahi bhai who understands it and asked in English,

Mahi bhai:- where is your mother babies.

Advait point at virat and said,

Advait :- mumma....

Everyone was shocked expect who knows the truth again mahi asked,

Mahi bhai :- baccha who give you birth who is called mummy he is your dad ...

Advait shook his head and said,

Advait:- he give us birth by his belly he is our mumma and and dada is dada who is standing beside him ...

Advait explain and and everyone just stare at virat who knows that he have to explain it to everyone...

Virat:- advait is saying truth I am the one who gave them birth 4 years ago i found out that I can give birth which is so rare in men's only 5%of men can give birth when doctor told me this I was shocked too and i never thought that I will be able to even have kids but God give me this two and they are my life now when I found out that I can get pregnant I was 2 weeks pregnant so i leave cricket because if anyone find out about this then I have to leave cricket anyway ....

He said and everyone looked at like they are understanding it no one asked about father because they understand that ab is father mahi bhai want to hold kids so he looked at virat who nod at him and then others looked at him with puppy eyes so he nod at everyone ...

Rohit was looking at virat and he felt hurt seeing virat with ab he never thought that his bestfriend will hide something like this from him he didn't went to kids he just looked at them from far he remembered past...


When they were sitting together on playing room and subhman asked him,

Subhman:- bhai if you had option to marry a man who would you choose..

Rohit:- well I will stay unmarried then it's not like i hate when others do it but it's like I am not comfortable this happing with me i respect and support who love man they have their freedom to do whatever they want even if in team anyone turned out to be liking a man I will support him but fir my own self that is big no and it's my opinion so it's different from others...

Every one understands this and nod ,

Flashback end

He then get it why virat didn't tell him he thought that Rohit will hate him if he told him that he like men but in reality atleast he should talk to him once but he didn't even tried to tell him that he felt hurt and also he felt something in is heart twisted he missed virat alot he tried to find him everywhere but virat didn't even bother to tell him about him having kids most important part of his life ...

Just when he was lost in his thoughts Advik came to him and hide using his legs who put his hands on advik's head di that Advik won't fall and looked at his eyes his eyes was just like rohit ..
Other members were running towards him

e see fear in advik's eyes so he pick him up in his arms who smiled at him sweetly.

Virat heart skipped a bit seeing them like that he knew one day he have to tell truth but he don't want to he knows that Rohit will never goone accept them he just stare at them and smiled seeing rohit sweetly talking with Advik ..

Advait came and saw that and went to virat who looked at him and told him to pick him up he did and then told him to go near rohit and Advik virat said no so he started to cry so he have to take him their now virat's heart pounding very fastly he went near them advait talked with Rohit and Advik and virat just looked at them he felt happy seeing his babies seeing their real father after they have born they didn't see rohit it was their first time seeing him .

Abd also smiled at this happy family and he was proud of virat that no matter how scread he is still he is doing everything which is making his kids happy.

Advik saw and and called him to came near him and hesitate bit when Advik started to call him again and again he have to go .

Rohit didn't like it he thought that already abd took his bestfriend and big part of his life but why he was feeling hurt why it's hurting him because he is now virat's kides father or because he is close with Virat or that Virat trusted ab more then him ..

Advik started to tell him about how they live in South Africa and Rohit was staring at both boys amezed how they behave so much like him and virat but didn't said anything,

In his inner thought somewhere he knows that he want virat back to himself he want him to be his forever..

(Please ignore my grammatical mistakes)

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Hope you all like it 🥰😍.

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