Am I being desperate

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After waking up he made dinner for everyone and still rohit and kids were sleeping,when he was making parathe Advait  woke up and came downstairs rubbing his eyes,

His hairs were messy and he was looking so cute his cheeks were looking like laddu and his eyes searching for his mumma he voice is horse because of sleeping this much and his clothes were all crumbled .

He went to virat as he saw him in kitchen he hugged his legs virat sensing advait looked at him and saw him holding his legs and eyes looking at him with pure innocence,he was almost done with making dinner so he washed his hands and made advait sit on kitchen counter and kissed his forehead who giggled he even wants to kiss his mumma means virat's forehead and Virat smiled at his baby's innocence and let him do that .

Virat was making roti after he is done he took advait with him in washroom and washed his face .

Then took him to kitchen cut fruits for him and gave him that who was eating silently looking at virat who was busy cleaning the kitchen counter.

After he is done he took advait with him in room and saw rohit sleeping hugging Advik who was sleeping almost on his father's chest rohit securely holding him near his heart/chest hands wrapped around his little body ,

Virat went to them and shook rohit a little who instantly woke up ,and rubbed his eyes then he smiled at Advik and made him lay on bed virat and advait looked at him and Virat told him to get fresh up Along with Advik and Advait  .

Virat woke up Advik and then they went to get fresh up he made their bed then he took their clothes from closet and placed them on bed for them to wear ,

He went to kitchen and started to make dining table soon rohit and kids came he told them to sit and eat everyone had their dinner peacefully
After that they all watched a movie and both Advik and Advait fall asleep so Rohit took both of them in his arms and took them to their room and placed them on bed coverd them with comforter .

Virat was walking beside rohit and he helped him to tuck them in bed then he went to balcony for fresh air .

Virat was looking at moon staring at it and thinking,why he is Falling for rohit why he is having feelings for him why he suddenly want rohit to make him all his when they both married eachother for kids ,

In other hand rohit was reading a book but he looked at virat and went to him he sat in a chair that was placed in balcony and looked at virat ,

He was looking so handsome his face glowing in moon light he just stare at him .

Virat didn't notice rohit came here but when he felt someone's gaze in him he looked at rohit who was already looking at him they started at eachother's eyes like that for sometime then rohit broke it and looked away,

Virat have so many questions but didn't have courage to ask but he have to ask him anyhow because curiosity kills the cat ,

Virat:- rohit I want to ask you something,

Rohit:- you already asked but it's okey go ahead,

Virat :- how come your sleep turned so thin like you woke up as soon as I shake you , but I remember when we used to sleep together back then you were a sleeping panda love his sleep most,

Rohit :- because every night I wait for you because I get up as soon as someone wake me because I think it's you i wanted to see you as soon as you came that's why I don't sleep like i used to things changed Virat you make me change me and I am not complaining because now as soon as I woke up I see my two prince beside me and I am happy for that

Virat felt a bit guilty he looked at moon again this time one tear rolled out of his eye,

Rohit got up and he was going inside virat looked at rohit and this Tims also their eyes met but this time rohit didn't looked away he stare at them and came closer to virat,

He was so close to him their lips were inches apart like they will meet soon if they even move a bit Rohit held Virat by his waist,

And he sniffled his body smell which was so addicted it make him clam that time to and now too Virat always smell so good,

Virat's hands were on back of Rohit's neck looking at him he closed the gap between them and kissed rohit who closed his eyes as soon as their lips met it make him desperate to have virat rohit now right their but he can't do that he don't want to make virat uncomfortable and also not everything is around sex he thinks that but who will tell him that Virat is craving for his touch and he wants rohit to make love with him ,

He didn't voiced out it but he wish if rohit knew it by the kiss ,they kissed eachother for good 10 minutes then parted away for air ,

They looked at eachother Rohit's hair was messy and he was looking so dame hot with that ,
Virat's face was flushed and his lips were swollen because of the biting between the kiss his eyes had some tears hairs were messy Along with his t shirt which he was wearing,

Rohit told him they should sleep but virat was not ready to do that he wants more he again kissed him and that was enough for rohit he kissed him really hard and rough exploring every inch of his mouth biting his lips like his life depends on that he started to kiss his neck and bite their but then looked at virat who was looking really tired so he don't want him to feel even tried so he stopped and carried him to bed in bridal style and made him lay on bed and sleep on his side they both looked at eachother one last time and fell asleep.

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