Madias Object (Part 3)

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Time skip

Y/n sighed as he looked at Jason. He was getting married to the alpha. It was the wedding day.

Time had gone by and it was the wedding day. Y/n was standing in front of his soon to be husband, Red Hood. Red Hood had dressed up in an expensive suit for this day and he looked extremely handsome. His eyes were set on the omega, and he was looking forward to finally getting him as his mate. Y/n, on the other hand, had a sad face. He didn't believe in this whole system and he didn't want to be married to the alpha.

Y/ns ears were down as he saw Jason lean in for a kiss. The omega turned his head so the Alphas kissed his cheek instead.

Red Hood's eyes widened in surprise when the omega turned his head away. He was expecting an immediate kiss as a show of submission, but the fact that the omega turned his head away made him angry. He was about to grab the omega's face and force him to kiss him when he realized that would look bad in front of the guests so he chose otherwise. "Don't think this will stop anything. I'll wait until after we're married to have my way with you, and no one will be able to stop me."

Y/n was quiet at the party. He was officially Y/n Todd. Y/n sat at a table as he drunk a shot.

Red Hood was keeping a close eye on the omega, and his eyes narrowed as he saw him drinking a shot. "You remember I told you you're not allowed to drink unless I allow you to, omega. And you're definitely not allowed to have hard liquor. Or did you forget that I told you that?"

"I can drink if I want to." Y/n mumbled as he took another shot.

Red Hood's eyes narrowed even more as the first signs of a drunken omega were showing. If that continued, it would ruin his plans. He didn't want an omega who couldn't even stand up. "No, you cannot. This isn't an alpha attitude you're allowed to try and have. The omega should do what the alpha tells them too, otherwise we can go back to my house right now and skip the wedding and I'll just take control of you now."

Y/n rolled his eyes. "What? What do you think we're gonna do when we get home?"

"What do you think we are going to do? I can do whatever I want with you. I can have you on your knees, and you'll obey my every command. I'll make you be a good and obedient mate for my pack and there's nothing you can do about it. What you can't do is be an arrogant jackass in my own home, it just won't fly." Red Hood spoke in a low and ominous tone.

"My home." Y/n said, his jaw clenched.

The arrogance from the omega was starting to annoy the alpha. He didn't like when people talked back to him, and the fact that this omega was getting drunk just made him even angrier. "You really think you're just allowed to talk to your alpha however you want? And did I not tell you that your home is mine now? That was the deal. I get your home and you're my mate. Do you really have the memory of a rat or is this just an excuse to behave like this?"

Y/n looked away and sighed. He could see his father shouting at his mother.

The alpha noticed his attention was directed towards his parents, and he didn't like it. He didn't want his omega getting distracted, and he wanted him to pay attention to what he was saying. "Focus your attention back to me. I'm talking to you, so it's only proper that you look me in the eyes when I speak to you."

Y/n sighed as he looked at Jason. "I can't just let him hit her." The omega said

The alpha was stunned when he heard this from his mate. This omega was supposed to be weak and feeble, yet the alpha was hearing words of defiance and rebellion coming from him. He didn't want to believe that the omega would actually step in and try to help the omega's mother. "You really think you can do something? You think you can go after your father if he hits your mother?"

Y/n scoffed.

The alpha was infuriated by his mate's attitude and he was now completely over it. He was starting to wish he had chosen another omega to be his mate. Instead of one who would obey him and do whatever he said, he got one who was defiant and always talking back to him. "You're actually serious, aren't you? Or is it just an excuse to argue with me and do what you want? You really think you're going to stand up to your own father?"

Y/n stood up and stormed over to his father. "Don't hit her." Y/n snapped

The omega's father didn't have time to say anything or even hit the omega's mother before he was stopped by his omega. The alpha was shocked to see this sight in front of him. He saw the omega stand up and shout at his father for trying to hit his mother. The alpha's father just smirked and brushed it off as a joke, "It's my family. I can do whatever I want with them. This has nothing to
do with you. And stop acting like you own this place, you're just an abomination of an omega."

Y/n was shocked by what his father said. He stormed out of the party and sat outside.

The alpha of the family followed the omega outside to see what he planned to do. When he saw the omega sitting outside, he was surprised yet again. He didn't expect him to walk out like that, and it made the alpha worry that he would leave and try to go against him. "Come back inside. Don't be a little brat and leave without permission."

"Shut up Jason." Y/n snapped

The alpha was stunned by the omega yelling at him again. He didn't like when his mate spoke back to him like this, and he wasn't going to deal with it anymore. In a swift motion he grabbed the omega by the back of the head and pushed him so that he fell to the ground. "Don't you dare speak to your alpha like that. You want me to claim you now? I just might make an example out of you because nobody speaks to me like that, understand."

Y/n quickly nodded his head at his husbands response

The alpha's anger was subsiding a bit now that the omega was acting submissive. He got off him and let him sit up. He then got down to his level and made sure that the omega was paying attention to him. He then spoke so that the omega would believe he was speaking the truth. "From now on, you will never speak back to me or refuse to do something I say again. Do you understand?"

"Y-yes." Y/n whispered.

The alpha was pleased with the omega's answer and he wasn't going to let a disobedient omega get away with refusing his orders. He would make it his priority to train the omega to be obedient and submissive. This included not talking back to him or refusing him something he asked for. "Good boy. You can go inside now, but I'll be watching your behavior from now on and if I see one more sign of attitude, there will be a punishment."

Y/n nodded his head.

The alpha was happy that the omega had submitted and gone back inside. He didn't like this behavior, but if nothing else happened, he would be able to enjoy his wedding and hopefully not have to deal with anymore misbehavior from his soon to be mate. The alpha would just stay vigilant and make sure the omega didn't do anything like this again...

Part 4 coming soon
Here you go Sapphire4327 🥰

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