Titans Jason Todd

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Sorry if this is shit and short 😅 😬

In the midst of the tower's daily activities, the atmosphere buzzed with a mix of energy and relaxation. As Y/n headed to the gym, the familiar clang of weights and the rhythmic hum of exercise machines greeted him. It was Y/ns sanctuary within the bustling tower, where he could focus on nothing but the burn of his muscles.

Just as Y/n was about to do his routine, the door creaked open. Through the entrance strode Jason.

Y/n didn't turn around as he lifted the weights.

The sounds of the gym were drowned out by the weight of the load. Each inch of the lift demanded concentration and focus, Y/n's eyes locked on the metal plates as they rose. A figure stepped onto the mat beside him, and he felt a presence beside him - Jason. Even when he didn't look over, he felt Jason's gaze on him.

Y/n ignored his boyfriend. The two have recently had a fight and they haven't spoken or even slept in the same bed for at least a whole month.

Neither of them spoke, but the air between them was heavy with tension. There was a part of Y/n that wanted to turn and meet Jason’s gaze, perhaps even strike up a conversation to break the awkward and uncomfortable silence surrounding them. But another part of him didn’t want to do anything to cause further animosity between them. As Y/n continued to focus on his workout, he remained quiet.

Neither of them wanted to apologise to the other. Too much pride.

Y/n sat down and gulped down his water.

Jason's gaze shifted slightly as Y/n sat down and had a few sips of water. Jason had been in his own workout regime by this point, and had managed to keep his mind off of their recent argument. But now seeing Y/n, he couldn't help but feel the weight of the situation - a mixture of frustration and annoyance at the stubbornness they both shared. They were both equally to blame, and neither seemed keen on apologizing.

Y/n threw his empty bottle in the bin and got up, hitting the showers.

Jason couldn't help but watch as Y/n went off to the showers. Despite their argument, he couldn't deny that he was attracted to him. And now watching him, he couldn't help but think about all the times they had been physical with each other. Their recent argument had only made this tension between them worse, and Jason couldn't lie that it fueled some of his feelings.

Y/n sighed softly as he washed his hair. He heard a bag get set down and he knew it was Jason.

Jason entered the showers, the sounds of the water drowning out his presence. As he got into one of the stalls, he set down his back and began removing his sweaty clothes. As he stripped, he couldn't help but imagine what Y/n was doing at this moment. And the more he thought about it, the more he realized how badly he wanted to be with him.

Y/n peaked over the stall and rested his arms on the wall, looking at Jason. "I'm sorry Jay."

Jason flinched as he heard Y/n's voice. He had been imagining their argument escalating further, but the last thing he expected was Y/n apologizing to him. His face flushed briefly with embarrassment that he had been caught, but as soon as it did, the embarrassment vanished into relief at Y/n's apology. Jason looked over at Y/n, his lips curling up into a faint smile.

Y/n gave a small sad smile back.

A sense of ease washed over the two of them as they locked eyes and shared a smile. The last few weeks had been spent in silence, avoiding each other's gaze and keeping to themselves, but this moment felt like a relief finally being granted to both of them. Jason couldn't deny that he missed Y/n's presence. And he couldn't deny that he missed their time together - the physical and emotional aspect of it.

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