Will you Marry me?

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Hope this was good I might even do a part two if yall want 😊❤️

Jason sighed softly as he walked down the road, holding Y/ns hand. It was such a great night, and an even better date night. It was snowing as the moon shone high in the sky, shining bright.

Jason looked down at Y/n and kissed the top of his head. Jason couldn't wait to just get home and get into bed and cuddle Y/n all night long.

Y/n smiled as he giggled. "I love you Jay." Y/n said as he brought Jason's hand up to his lips and kissed his knuckles softly.

Jason smiled and blushed softy. "Love you too, babe." Jason smiled as he squeezed his hands. "Love my hand in your hands." Jason sighed softly. "You have such soft hands."

Y/n laughed. "Yeah. You have big and rough hands." Y/n said as he traced Jason's scar. "But it just shows your battles you've faced and conquered." Y/n smiled as he wrapped his arms around Jason's neck and kissed him softly.

Everyone thinks that Jason is some big, scary, horrible man, but  in fact he's the opposite. He's sweet, kind, a big dork for Shakespeare, he loves reading and he treats Y/n like a king. Jason has had a hard life especially with dying and coming back to life. He just needed love.

Jason chuckled softly as he smiled at him. "Thanks babe." Jason wrapped his arms around Y/n tightly, holding him close.

Jason then smirked softly. "You know you're mine right?" Jason tilted his neck slightly, as he brushed Y/ns hair out of his face. "No-one's touching you but me."

Y/n laughed as he nodded. "All yours." Y/n said softly.

Jason had his moments of being angry and jealous but most of the time he's sweet and loving.

Jason then kissed him slightly. "Don't forget it." Jason smirked softly, as he played with Y/ns hair.

Jason really had a bad reputation, but once you really got to know him, he was just the biggest sweetheart. Especially with Y/n, his anger and jealousy was only for if anyone else came close to him, no-one else was allowed to do that but him.

Y/n giggled. "You act all tough Mr Red Hood but your just a big teddy bear." Y/n said as he squeezed Jason into a tight hug.

Jason groaned as he was squeezed tightly by Y/n. "Shut up! I am not!" Jason laughed, as he squeezed him back. "Maybe...maybe I am a little." Jason smiled as he did so.

Jason liked to think of himself as a tough guy, but really, he was a bit of a softie.

Y/n smirked as he dropped down to his knees. He had a plan.

Jason suddenly froze as he felt something different...

"Wh-what are you doing?" Jason looked down at Y/n.

"Oh god look over there." Y/n said quickly as he pointed behind Jason.

There was no one there but when Jason turned around, Y/n was gone.

Jason turned quickly, before realizing that there was nobody there.


Jason began to look around, not able to see Y/n. He began to call his name.

Y/n giggled as he jumped out from the corner and threw a snowball at Jason which hit him square in the face.

Y/n cheered in victory. "Yes I did it. Finally, no vigilante reflexes."

Jason stumbled backwards as the snowball hit him in the face. Jason looked at Y/n for a few seconds, before slowly smiling.

"You little." Jason laughed and began to chase after him.

Y/n squeaked as he ran off. "Jason no I'm sorry." Y/n screamed as Jason made a pretty big snowball.

Jason laughed as he heard his screams and then made an even bigger snowball than the last one. "You're dead!"

Jason then ran after him with the snowball, getting closer and closer by the second.

Y/n ran as fast as he could but Jason was much much faster. "Curse me and my little legs." Y/n grunted as a snowball hit him in the face. Y/n fell onto his back and landed in the snow.

Y/n huffed as he stayed laying in the snow, his hair snowy.

Jason laughed as he walked over to Y/n, who was laying on the snowy ground with snow in his hair. "Oh so cute." Jason smirked as he looked down at him.

"Gotcha." Jason then threw the massive snowball over him, covering him from head to toe in snow.

Y/n screamed as he shivered. "Jason Peter todd." Y/n said as he grabbed Jason and dragged him down in the snow with him.

Y/n giggled as he sat on Jason's chest. "Ya surrender."

Jason groaned and laughed as Y/n dragged him down into the snow with him.

Jason smirked as he looked up at him. "You think I'm giving up? Nope not a chance."

Jason attempted to move him off of him, which was a struggle itself because of the snow.

Y/n smirked as he kept sitting on Jason's chest. "I'm not moving."

Jason groaned as he continued to struggle, finding it impossible to move Y/n from his chest.

"Y'know, you're just going to freeze sitting like this? Maybe get off and we can cuddle under a roof?" Jason pouted as he struggled to escape.

"Or we can go home, get changed and cuddle on the couch by the fire." Y/n said as he grinned before he got up.

Y/n grabbed Jason and heaved him up.

Jason laughed as he got up, and brushed the snow off of himself. "I like that idea." He smirked as he spoke.

They walked towards home together as the light snow continued to fall, the silence not being uncomfortable.

Jason smiled as he glanced over to him.

Time skip

Y/n and Jason was cuddled on the couch watching a movie. They were drinking hit chocolate and were under a blanket as the snow fell outside.

The fire was cackling as it lit up the room in a romantic glow.

Y/n was confused when Jason quickly got up and ran out of the room. "Jay? Where ya going?" Y/n pouted. Y/n stopped as Jason came back with something behind his back. Y/ns eyes widened as he saw Jason get down on one knee. "J-Jason?"

Jason was down on one knee in front of him still holding what was behind his back, he looked up at Y/n and smiled softly.

"Y/n, everything for me has changed when we met. You made my life better and I want to make yours better." Jason then looked at the gift in his hands. "You know I love you, so I'm asking this question."

Jason held out the ring, the snow outside gently falling down.

"Will you marry me?"

Y/n gasped as tears rolled down his cheeks. "Yes." Y/n said happily as he laughed when Jason picked him up and spun him around before slipping the ring on his finger.

"Oh my God I love you so much." Y/n said.

Jason laughed as he continued to hold him in his arms, spinning him around. "I love you so much too."

Jason then set Y/n down gently, but his face still had a huge smile on it.

"Now, let's drink this hot chocolate together?" Jason chuckled as he sat back down on the couch, and held his hand out.

Y/n smiled as he took Jason's hand as the pair sat back on the couch.

After their hot chocolate Y/n ended up falling asleep, leaning against Jason.

Jason smiled softly as he looked down at the sleeping Y/n as they sat on the couch.

Jason then gently picked him up, and carried him to their bed, pulling the covers over the two of them. Jason cuddled in with him happily, finally being able to hold the one he loved.

After everything the two has been through, after everything Jason has been through, It really was a happy ending.

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