I love you 2/2

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Sorry guys if this is too long

Time skip 3 months later

Y/n was working at his club. Jason was the bartender there. Y/n smiled. "Hey how's it going handsome?" The omega leaned over and pecked Jason's cheek. The two were back together.

Jason turned a bright red at Y/n's teasing, and couldn't help but grin at the omega's words.

"Hey sexy." Jason responded, and then leaned in to plant his own kiss on Y/n's lips.

He pulled away after a second, blushing even more as he saw the look on Y/n's face. "I take it your day is going well?" Jason teased.

"I'm six months pregnant. I'm anything but sexy." The omega pouted.

Jason scoffed. "Please. You're sexy as hell. Don't you dare say otherwise to me." He chuckled, and then pulled him into another lingering kiss.

"And you're cute when you pout." He added after pulling away.

Y/n smiled. "Looks like you got some customers. I'll leave you to it." The omega said, walking away.

Jason's heart fluttered as Y/n walked away, but he forced himself to put a lid on his emotions and turned back to the customers.

As he served drinks to multiple groups, he looked over and saw Y/n chatting with some friends. Some of the thoughts that crossed his mind were things he couldn't even *imagine* him saying.

He wanted to be the one that Y/n chatted with. He wanted to go over to him and slip his arms around him, pressing his cheek against his chest.

Y/n headed to the bathroom and he bumped onto Sam's boyfriend. Y/n rolled his eyes as he washed his hands. "Your not allowed in this club. You and Sam are barred whatever your name is."

Sam's boyfriend scoffed and rolled his eyes. "It's Kevin, not that it matters." He sighed and started to move past him.

"Whatever you say. I'm just here to use the restroom then I'll be on my way."

It took every ounce of willpower that Jason had at that moment to not burst into the bathroom and pull Y/n away from him. Instead, he decided to put on his best customer service face and pretend that nothing was happening.

"You know you and Sam should be ashamed of yourselves." The omega snapped.

Kevin rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, don't start with me."

He looked at him with an amused and almost condescending smirk. "I love Sam. He doesn't want to be with you anymore. Just deal with it."

"Oh no I'm happy. I have a loving boyfriend and I have a beautiful child on the way. And you can tell Sam he won't be seeing his kid, and thats final." Y/n said.

Kevin smirked even more at the omega's words. "That's funny. Because Sam plans on raising the baby." He said, taking a threatening step forward.

He knew that one wrong move would set Y/n off, especially with the condition he was in, but he couldn't resist pushing his buttons at least once more.

Y/n shook his head. "No he's not. You and Sam are not coming anywhere near my baby."

"And why not? You think you can take care of a child on your own? You're an emotionally unstable, hormone-fueled omega. You're clearly not in the best condition to be raising a child, so I think it's best if Sam was the only parent."

Kevin got right into his face as he spoke and he wasn't hiding his contempt at all. He wanted Y/n to get so angry he would do something to get himself in trouble.

Jason Todd x Male reader [Oneshot book]Where stories live. Discover now