I love you 1/2

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Y/n just came to grab a coffee and relax since it was his first day off in *ages*. Y/n deserved a treat. Sitting down in the corner of the café, Y/n relaxed as he waited for his order. The bell above the door jingles as another customer enters. Y/n looked over curiously, and his heart sinks.


Jason Todd, Y/ns ex, walks in like he owns the place. He looks just like he did when the two were together, cocky, smug, and still damn handsome. Y/n looked away, cursing his luck. The universe must hate him. He hasn't noticed Y/n yet, and Y/n hopes it stays that way.

The breakup was messy. It's really messy. It has been almost three years, and Y/n is still not over him. Y/n glanced at him one more time to make sure he's just ordering and leaving. That's when his stupidly pretty green eyes meet Y/ns


Y/n looked down at his phone. Y/n had died his hair, so he was praying. *Please don't recognise me please.* Y/n thought as he typed on his phone.

Jason walks across the café to the counter and orders. The barista takes his order, but Jason seems distracted. His eyes never leave Y/n. Is he just staring or does he recognize his ex? Y/n starts sweating a little as he watches Jason talk to the barista and glance their way.

Y/n gulped as he didn't look over as he sipped his coffee and typed away on his laptop. *Maybe he doesn't recognise me because I have blonde hair now.* Y/n thought.

The barista gives Jason his drink, and he turns around. His eyes meet Y/ns again. Y/n could swear his heart skipped a beat. The cocky grin that was Jason's signature smile in the years they dated was on display.

No way did he *not* recognize Y/n.

Y/n gulped as he looked away and sipped his coffee.

Jason walked over and leaned against Y/ns table. His eyes ran up and down Y/ns body like he did back when they were dating. Y/n's mouth went dry, and his thoughts went blank.

"Well look what we have here." Jason said in his cocky tone.

Y/n sighed. "Do I know you?"

"Nice try." Jason said as his grin widens. The way he spoke reminded Y/n why he fell in love with him in the first place. "You're still as snarky as ever, aren't you?"

Y/n rolled his eyes. "So you know it's me?"

"Of course I do." Jason's smile faltered for a brief second before he returned to his usual cocky grin. Y/n was sure he saw pain in Jason's eyes. "Three years later, and still as pretty as ever. Who dyed your hair for you, by the way? Looks nice."

Y/n smiled "thanks Jason. Um the hair dressers where I work did it." Y/n chuckled. "Yeah we are really good." Y/ns hair was a silver with white tips.

"Damn, you work at a hair salon now?" Jason snickered.

Of course Jason would find a way to be sarcastic even when he's trying to be nice. He was a dick but he was Y/ns dick. He couldn't help but chuckle at Jason's jokes, and he felt his heart flutter.

Y/n rolled his eyes. "Where do you work then? You still working at the car shop?"

"Nope. It's my own shop now." Jason said proudly. He put his hands in his pockets and leaned against the table just a little too close to Y/n.

"I'm a real entrepreneur now. How about you? Still slinging coffee at that shitty café or do you have a better job by now?"

"Nope. I have two jobs. I work in the hairdressers to help my sister out sometimes and I own my own club. The Oasis. Its one of the biggest and popular clubs in town." Y/n smirked.

Jason Todd x Male reader [Oneshot book]Where stories live. Discover now