Alpha Jason todd x omega reader

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Danny was sitting on the couch watching TV when Y/n and Jason walked in. Danny glared at Jason before looking at Y/n and smiling. "Hey dad." Danny said happily. Danny hated his dad's boyfriend. But Danny was in for a surprise that will make the 16 year old hate Jason even more.

Y/n smiled as he sat next to his son. "Hey hon. Me and Jason have a big surprise for you."

Danny was confused. "What is it?" Danny thought his dad would tell him later. But Jason was there. That's when he realized he wasn't going to like this surprise. "What's the surprise?"

Y/n held up his finger. "Me and Jason are getting married. He's gonna be your step dad." Y/n said smiling brightly.

Danny's mouth dropped open in horror. He couldn't believe what his dad told him. He turned to Jason. "Are you really going to be my stepdad?" He asked with an angry tone

Y/n smiled as he stood up. "Yeah. And he's also moving in." Y/n said as he held Jason's hand.

Danny's face turned bright red from anger. "I'm not calling you dad!" Danny yelled at Jason. "And I'm still calling my dad just dad!"  Danny crossed his arms as he glared at Jason.

Y/n sighed. "Hon. Don't speak to Jason like that." Y/n said. He looked at Jason. Who also looked angry.

Danny turned to see Jason glaring at him. He turned back to his dad. "I don't want this guy as my stepfather. Why'd you have to marry him?"  Danny felt his face get hot as he looked at Jason again. Jason looks even angry and he isn't looking away.

Y/n sighed. "Because I love him. He's sweet kind and he makes me happy." Y/n said gently as he sat back down. "Don't you want me to be happy?"

Danny thought about this for a second. He felt a little guilty that he's not happy for his dad. He didn't know a whole lot about Jason, but he knew enough to not like him. "I want you to be happy, dad. But I don't think I can ever like him."

Y/n shook his head. He stood up. "I'm gonna have a shower you two be nice." Y/n said as he pecked Jason's lips before heading upstairs.

Danny watched his dad leave with a worried expression on his face. He turned to Jason after his dad was out of sight. "What do you expect from me? I don't like you. I know very little about you and what I do know, I don't like."

Danny glared at Jason as he sat down next to him.

Jason didn't care how angry Danny was. He stayed silent as he started to look around at the surroundings. "How long is he going to be in the shower?" Jason asked casually.

Danny scoffed and rolled his eyes. "How should I know? And your rich. What do you want with my dad huh? Sex?" Danny snapped.

Jason froze when he heard Danny's accusation. He thought about this for a second then laughed. "Wait, that's what you think I want from your dad?" Jason looked surprised. He turned to face Danny.

Danny nodded. "Yes. But if I'm wrong then why do you love my dad so much?"

Jason was slightly offended by Danny's accusations. "Look, I love him because he's kind, considerate and he's a good person. Things that I rarely see in other people." Jason said with seriousness in his voice.

Danny rolled his eyes. "Lier. All rich guys only want one thing. And you buy us this big house. My dad a watch, and a new car. Are you trying to be hid sugar daddy or something?"

Jason was done being kind. He now had a serious expression on his face. "If you want to think of me like that then go ahead." Jason got up from the couch. "Since I'm just a sugar daddy then I don't need to even worry about your life." Jason started to walk towards the stairs.

Danny looked shocked. "I knew it." Danny said. "You don't love my dad. You do just want sex. What did he give you a blow job for that car?" Danny snapped.

Jason's rage got the best of him when Danny made that accusation. Jason turned around and quickly approached Danny. His jaw clenched tightly and his face was as red as he was angry. Jason clenched his fists and grabbed Danny by the shoulders and pulled him to his face. "How dare you say something like that about your dad!" Jason said furiously.

Danny scoffed. "So is it true? Are you just a sugar daddy? You don't actually love him."

Jason was seething with hot anger. He didn't want to have to tell Danny this. But he couldn't deny the love he had for his dad. Jason was silent for a few minutes before finally answering. "No. What I have for him is not just some sugar daddy arrangement." Jason said with a lot of anger still in his voice.

Danny rolled his eyes. "Sure."

Jason had enough of Danny being hateful towards him. Jason squeezed Danny's shoulders tightly before letting go of him. "I'm serious. I really love your dad." Jason turned around and sat back down on the couch.

Danny ran upstairs and Into his room.

Y/n came back downstairs wearing shorts and Jason's shirt. "Hey. What happened? Is Danny OK?" Y/n asked softly as he sat on Jason's lap and ran his hand through the olders hair.

Jason's expression softened when he saw Y/n. He was still a little upset about Danny's accusations. Jason wrapped his arms around Y/n and pulled him closer to him. "He was accusing me of being a sugar daddy. I got mad." Jason said with annoyance in his tone.

Y/n looked shocked. "That boy." He whispered as he shook his head. "But that's not true. You love me right and I love you. And I tell you time and time again that you don't need to buy me fancy gifts. I'm happy with you just being here." Y/n said

Jason smiled when he heard the things Y/n said to him. "I know. But for some stupid reason I thought if I bought you stuff it would make a difference."  Jason sighed. "Danny thinks I'm a sugar daddy and that I just want sex from you. How do you want me to respond to that?"

Y/n looked even more shocked. "It's been 6 months already. You would think that he'd be used to you by now."

"No kidding." Jason said sarcastically. Jason looked down at Y/n who was still sitting in his lap. "I think Danny thinks he's losing his daddy to me. But this is the thing, I'm not trying to replace him." Jason looked down again and kissed Y/n lightly on the cheek.

Y/n smiled softly. "Yeah." Y/n sighed as he got off Jasons lap and headed upstairs.

Y/n knocked on Danny's door. "Hey it's me. Can I come in?" Y/n said gently.

Danny sat at his desk and looked at the door. "Yeah, come in." He said softly. He felt guilty about the things he said to Jason, but wasn't ready to apologize just yet.

Y/n opened the door before heading inside. He sat on his sons bed. "I know it's hard, seeing me with another guy but you need to understand that your dad leaving had nothing to do with you or Jason. So you can't take it out on him. And I know I never tell you why your dad left but Im doing it to protect you." Y/n said softly.

Danny listened to his dad as he sat silently on his bed. Danny looked away when his dad mentioned Jason. But he still looked guilty. Danny felt bad for all the things he said to Jason. Danny was silent for a minute before finally responding. "So do you love Jason?" Danny asked quietly.

Y/n nodded. "I do."

I realized I wrote this too long lol so posting it in two parts hope this was ok

Jason Todd x Male reader [Oneshot book]Where stories live. Discover now