Chapter 1: You Make Me Nervous

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Fantasia Pov

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Fantasia Pov

First day on set and I'm sweating like a sinner in church. Fuck ! I'm nervous, what if the cast doesn't like me ? What if the chemistry is off?

"Oh gosh"! I mumble planting my face in the palm of my hand. I let out a slight sigh, "Get it together Tasia". As i stare into the mirror trying to compose myself.

"You got this mama" !

I apply more lipgloss and adjust my clothing before taking a quick photo shoot for Instagram. I smirk at the pictures admiring the tight fitting jumpsuit that clinched my curves, "Ooouuu, it's giving body ody ody" ! I laugh to myself.

"Okay, let me head into this script reading before I'm late".

Putting my phone back in my bag I hear a loud high pitched voice approaching the bathroom, I chuckle to myself , That can't be anybody but Taraji. She swings the door open and immediately smiles

"Fantasiaaaaaaa" ! Taraji squeals

Tugging my denim blazer and pulling me near,  my body quickly falling into hers. We've known of each other for quite sometime but never actually met in person, until now but she hugs me tight as if she missed me.

"Hey Taraji" I say, smiling as she swings us both side to side, her mango butter body oil immediately caressing my nose. She felt warm, and welcoming. I don't know why, but in that moment I didn't wanna let go.

"You look good girl". She says pulling away and gently slapping my shoulder before heading into a bathroom stall

"Thanks T,  you too". I'm gonna head into the reading room , I'll see you in there okay".

Before even giving her the chance to reply I quickly exit the bathroom. I stand just outside puzzled for a second before whispering to myself

Wtf, just happened ?

I've always been able to admire a woman's beauty, looked at her ass or even just out with the girls grinding on one another but it's always been platonic and just good times . I've always been attracted to men, so why was I suddenly throbbing.....?


I'm tripping for real, I brush it off and make my way into the script reading room. Everyone was already seated talking among each other, and going over their lines. "Hey y'all ". I wave as I grab the last available seat.

Blitz looks around. "We're missing someone". Before anyone could even answer , Taraji comes through the door "Don't y'all start without me", She jokingly yells. I swear she's no different than her Cookie lyon character  loud and so much personality. We all giggle as she finds her seat.

Blitz laughs and shakes his head. "Okay guys,  listen up todays gonna be a short day we're just going to go over a few scenes, and songs starting with Halle and Phylicia. Y'all can go over your script in the meantime Fantasia and Taraji what about love will be next".  "Cool"? .... We all nod in agreement

Taraji leans over and whispers, "Sooooo, you ready for our duet"? I don't know how I'm gonna be able to keep up with you and those powerful pipes honey.

"Oh it's no problem boo, you just do you and sing I'll find your key" . She smiles at me before raising one of her eyebrows "Well what about the kiss are you ready for that" ? Looking at me with a smirk on her face.

I swallow hard before answering.

I uhhh ....

My voice cracks a bit, I quickly clear my throat before answering. I mean it's just a kiss it doesn't mean anything right?... Jokingly nudging her elbow with my arm

"Yeah". I call it code switching,  I guess I can be fruity with you for a few scenes ... We both look at each other before bursting into laughter. Come on , you wanna go practice the song ?

" Sure" I say , as she grabs my hand and takes me into one of the studio rooms.

The lights were dim appearing as if a mood was set in place.

Taraji  looks over at me, "Maybe we should practice the kiss first, you know break the tension so it's not so awkward when the cameras are rolling". She suggest.

"Yeah", that's fine I say shrugging my shoulders as I lean against the wall

Taraji approaches me grabbing my chin before pulling me in for a kiss her lips press softly against mine as I grab her waist. She slips her tongue into my mouth, and my eyes close as our tongues both begin to dance.

"There it was again"... I feel myself throbbing , but harder this time.

"Knock knock" !

We quickly snatch away from each other before Danielle sticks her head in the door.

"Hey", Blitz is looking for you two, y'all are up next".

"Okay here we come", Taraji yells out .

She smirks at me , "What" ? I ask giving her a soft giggle

"Mhmm, Girl you a freak" ! I felt the way you were moving your tongue miss thang she says, chuckling before walking out.

I blush,  yet pointing out that it takes two to tango, "So l could say the same for you".

"Hmm, I guess you're right" .... Winking at me before walking off to join the rest of the cast.

I pause in the mist of laughing. Wait was she ...... Flirting with me ?

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