Chapter 13: P.S.... I Miss You,

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Taraji Pov

I was dreading getting ready for work the way I was feeling right now I didn't want to be anywhere near Fantasia. The majority of my scenes are with her so there was no way I could even avoid her. I chuckle to myself, Blitz warned us about this. I wasn't in the habit of allowing my personal life to get in the way of my work so I was just gonna have to put on a smile and be cordial.

I stare into the mirror my eyes still puffy from last night I should've put on an ice mask.I turn on the water to shower hoping this would do me some good. Last night constantly replaying in my head I feel myself about to cry again. Nope ! I'm not doing it.

I hop in the shower as flash backs of Tasia and I dance around in my head. How could I be so mad at her yet still crave her. Even last night I know I told her to leave but a part of me was hoping she'd stay. I wanted her to hold me. Why is it that I wanted comfort from the person that hurt me? I roll my eyes I can't deal with this shit.

The sound of my phone ringing intervenes my thoughts. It saddened me as I hesitated to answer her call. Seeing her name pop up on my phone always  made me feel giddy inside, yet here I was standing here contemplating on whether or not I should answer. I sigh, rolling my eyes as I press the accept button

What is it Fantasia ? I answer without saying hello.

"Taraji can we talk" ?

For what Fantasia? What else is there to talk about you've said enough last night what happened happened and I just wanna move on. We got a movie to finish and I cant let this shit with you get in the way of that.

"Just hear me out. Can we meet in the parking lot I just wanna talk T,

Yeah, sure whatever. I'll be on my way in a min hanging up before she could even respond.

A guilty feeling comes over me as I start to think maybe I'm being a little too harsh. I start to call her back to apologize but brush it off I'll see her in a min anyway. I quickly get dress choosing something comfy but cute to wear since I knew we'd be working on choreography today.

I grab my keys and head out the door. It felt kind of strange over the last few weeks that we've been together Fantasia had been the one to drive us around and now I was having to drive myself I'd actual gotten use to being a passenger princess. Whatever, I say to myself turning on the radio as I pull off .

🎶All I hear is raindrops
Falling on the rooftops
Oooh, baby tell me why'd you have to go
Cause this pain I feel
It won't go away And today
I'm officially missing you🎶

You have got to be fucking kidding me. I quickly change the station. Not the universe tryna be funny I chuckle to myself. The studio was only about 15 minutes from me so it wasn't long before I pulled up. Fantasia arrived before me and was standing outside her car waiting for me.

I get out the car and approach her she leans in to hug me but I block the hug. Wassup Fantasia we don't have much time pretending to act uninterested in what she had to say.She looked at me with sadness in her eyes as she backs away.

"Look T, I understand you're mad at me and if you need space, I'll give you that. I just miss you and I really wish you'd forgive me and we can make up. I never meant to hurt you and I can't even express how sorry I am. I should've listened to that voice that told me to just tell you. Me lying to you was the worst decision I could've made and if I could take it back I would."

She walks closer to me as she witnesses the tears forming in my eyes I look away this is too much.  "Look at me "she says grabbing my chin positioning my head to face her so our eyes could meet. Taraji its you ! You're the one I wanna be with not him , I went about things the wrong way but I honestly didn't have ill intentions. I told him I was happy, you make me happy Taraji can we please just get back to that.

The tears continue to fall. I knew she meant every word. I stare at her finding the strength not to give in I knew deep down I was going to forgive her but I didn't want to just yet. People only do what you allow and if I allow Fantasia to think that lying and keeping secrets was okay I'd be giving her the green light to do it again.

I can't do this ...  I wipe my eyes before moving away from her. She grabs my hand before I could even walk away. Dont give up on us Taraji

I'll see you in there Fantasia, quickly walking away to avoid her from seeing me cry.

Good mor- ...
"Taraji whats wrong" ? Gabby ask.

I couldn't even get the words out, I broke down crying in her arms. "Okay okay "! "I got you, let's go to the bathroom". I gather myself together and begin explaining to Gabby what happened.

"Now Taraji I'm not taking sides I agree Fantasia was very wrong for not telling you about her meet up with Kendal. However dont you think you're being a little to hard on her? I've known Fanny for years and she'd never hurt a fly. The two of you just need to talk this out."

"We're human and we all make mistakes so give her some grace. From what I saw at the club that night the chemistry yall have is inseparable. I see the way you two look at each other and you can be stubborn all you want but I know those feelings didn't just magically go away because you're mad at her."

I miss her so much I cry out, my eyes begin to water again.

"Well if you miss her go make up ! Don't be so proud that you feel you're above being able to forgive because you aren't perfect either. Having too much pride isn't a good thing. I know you're hurting right now but you won't feel like this forever. And if God can forgive you what makes you think you cant forgive her."

Gabby was right. I give her a hug before we walk out thank you Gabby, I really needed that , sometimes I can be a little too stubborn and stand in my own way, I'll go talk to her.

No problem you know I got you boo. Now go get your girl she says playful slapping my arm. I head towards the rehearsal room.

"Ah, Taraji" Blitz calls out. "Just the person I was looking for we'll be in Dance Studio 3 to run through the song and choreography for what about love".

Is Fantasia in there ? I ask. Blitz smirks at me, "You don't know where she is"? He teases.

I chuckle...No , not at the moment.

"Yeah she's in there already. Come on let's get this day rolling".

We begin singing full out the dance steps included this time. She and I staring deep into each other's eyes as we sang to one another. It was like for the first time I understood and felt the lyrics.We sway in each other's arms as we waltz to the rhythm.Fantasia had a way of making me feel like I was the only one in the world when I was with her.

Something about Fantasia singing to me was making me melt almost forgetting why I was even mad at her in the first place. I wanted nothing more than to jump in her arms and make up right now.

We kiss at the end, and got lost in our own world as what was supposed to be just a peck on the lips became a passionate kiss our tongue moving in motion as they excitingly reunite.

Her kisses took my breath away as I felt like I was floating on cloud 9. Damn I missed her lips. I snap back into reality, rubbing the back of my neck nervously, as I pull back from her to face Blitz... Since Shug and Celie were lovers we figured a peck on the lips wouldn't display the true love they had for one another, so we decided to ad lib the kiss scene I explain, nudging Tasia trying to get her to play along.

Blitz looks over at us both smirking as Tasia is slowly losing the battle of trying to hide the smile creeping upon her face.

"Ad lib huh"?

Blitz begins to laugh....

"I bet y'all did" ....

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